What music do you listen to?

Yeah, we’re everywhere…


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I listen to this one. The last album is great, very powerful:

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That’s a cracker of an album mate - loved it when it came out… Some good stuff… but was a tad disappointed as I don’t think it was as good as 2019’s self titled album with the match stick on the cover…

Right now I’m semi-obsessed with a band that’s been around in it’s current shape since 1995 (but formed in 1985), but never took the time to listen to their stuff : Neurosis… JUST AWESOME! Damn!

They started off punk, then like many punk bands that survived, after they learned to play their instruments, became something else (e.g. The Cure, Killing Joke) - Neurosis get lumped in as sludge metal for some reason, but I don’t think of them as metal, they’re like a VERY heavy alternative of Godspeed You! Black Emperor (who I also love) :

I reckon one of the guys from Slipknot must have seen their “three drummpers schtick” (sorry about the lame pun) hence Slipknot have up to three drummers… Anyway - I’ve spent nearly $100 just on digital downloads of Neurosis’ back catalog, next pay I reckon I’ll buy some of their stuff on vinyl… I’ve love the 1993 album this was the title track for “Enemy of the Sun”.
Anyway - this stage of the career they were more punk/noise, than metal… Now my favourite band (2 weeks ago it was Red Fang from Portland Oregon)…

Guitarist on the right, Steve Von Till, actually works as an elementary school teacher when not touring and recording!

How much reverb, reverb, reverb, erb, erb on that second one? I’m a musician myself and can probably do a mix of this easily through my Yamaha? With some acoustic and electric guitar thrown in, just to break it up a bit, as it is just a three chord progression song. I will give it a go this weekend and record it in Audacity. Can pitch my voice the same as hers or is it a he sounding like a her? Who knows?

So much to digest - I’ve scrolled past this for years (3?) thinking it was one of my own (True Widow) :


I think you musta got into them before me - 'cause they became one of my covid indulgences…

Right now my indulgence is Anna Von Hausswolff - I guess I should be supporting local acts, but - I guess Northern Europeans should be support downunder acts… We now live in a global culture - Covid isolated us - but it also showed us what a tiny shitty little ball of rock we live on - and SHARE <3 !

I only found out about her from my doom metal networks some time in the middle of last year, some god botherers got her shows banned in 2021 only 'cause she’s associated with “metal” and she was going to play an organ in a medi-eval church in bumfuck France… Seriously - computers have not been able to simulate a medi-eval organ… we’re still a generation way IMHO <3

ABBA. Beatles. Beach Boys. Mamas and Papas. Random mixture, 60s and 70s. Nothing of value to me has been recorded since.

Would you add the Seekers?

Yes, Neville, and Credence Clearwater Revival, Blood,Sweat, and Tears as well. After the 70s, the music industry dropped the idea of melody and discernible lyrics in favor of nothing I can fathom.

Listening to the music of the 60s and 70s is the best way for me to rebuild the memories, since my life in those decades is a bit fuzzy.

As they say, if you can remember the 60s, you weren’t really there.

If you go back pre 60’s it gets better

My formative years were really the 60’s–yes, I saw the first American broadcast of the Beatles, in black and white, on the Ed Sullivan show. But music from the 50’s was still filling the radio, so I had that to train my ear.

I belong to the missing generation – born during the war. So my formative years were 45-55. Radio and gramophone only, but the music quality was there. It has always been there, right back to the middle ages.

I think what you are rejecting is polyphonic music … more than 1 or 2 parts. It requires intense concentration and goes against the idea that music is something to relax with.

Mainstream music industry

There’s still BRILLIANT stuff being recorded by teens and twenty somethings - but it’s considered alternative… I suspect much of the stuff from the late 60’s like The Doors, and CCR, and The Beatles from about '67, wouldn’t make the grade for pulp radio and A&R men only interested in milking as much out of it and bugger whether there’s any talent involved…

There’s probably only 1 genre of music I can’t stand, it’s that hideous cacophonous “white people” jazz, avente-garde jazz with some pale bald wannabe ad-hoc trumpet solos - can’t stand it… Gimme Louis Armstrong anyday… I love some “ethnic” music, like Greek and Turkish, and middle Eastern, Arabic, Persian, Iranian, and Armenian… Classical (mostly baroque - but also Chopin), blues, African American Jazz, Reggae, Ska, Dub-step, Rap, Hip Hop… but my first love will always be heavy / hard rock verging on, and including, Heavy Metal :smiley:

So - anyway - also been listening to this a bit lately too - RIP Maxi Jazz - passed away on the 23rd, only 63 years old :

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Being musically dyslexic takes me right out of the game. Can’t recognize a single pitch, but can determine dissonance between two. Can’t carry a tune in a bucket. Polyphony is likely my kryptonite. Oh, and cannot for the life of me sift lyrics from 99% of today’s music.

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Me too. I agree, cant make anything out of modern music. It has to be simple for me.

Says me - mentioning listening to newer stuff - but listening to stuff from the VERY early 1970’s…

My brother (he’s 4 years younger) and I have been emailing one another back and forth for the last month about Joni Mitchell - and - I’m back listening to her 1971 album “Blue”… Her earlier album from 1970 “Ladies of the Canyon” is great also… Actually - there’s nothing bad from her catalog - if anyone says otherwise : “Them’s fightin’ words mate!” :smiley:

For Xmas 1973, after nearly 4 years of living like gypsies (not kidding - all over Europe and the East Coast of Australia, we’d been living in the same house in Perth for over 6 months!) we (the family) got a “stereo” record player for Christmas, us kids picked out a bunch of 7" 45’s, and my mum got Janis Joplin’s Greatest Hits, and a Joni Mitchell compilation, but my dad got some HIDEOUS Steven Sondheim musicals - I HATED that stuff then, and I hate it now :slight_smile: . Oh - and we went to some of my parent’s friends house for Xmas dinner, and they gave us the 1970 recording of Jesus Christ Superstar - which me and my siblings would “thrash” (I was already an atheist by then, but loved JCSS then and still LOVE JCSS).

I also still love that Joni Mitchell compilation too - it was only released in the UK and Australia, but I managed to put the tracklist together…

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I always love to discover small and authentic or independent artists.
A couple of years ago I made a playlist of artists that create music with Linux systems:

Perhaps other people on board here who create music with FOSS systems?
I’d like to update the list with fresh sounds!


Bit like desert island disks, what would you take with you ?

Just in case you have never heard of it.

Its an interesting list as you read back through all the posts.

I am not going to try to list mine as it changes depending on my mood, jazz, pop, disco, would be included. I listen to greatest hits radio from the uk and they only play stuff from the 80s so anything around that area that makes me feel good.

Read an Item about the latest queen of pop taylor swift, I had to look her up on youtube as did not know who she is… sign of my age I guess.


Kate Bush-Running up that hill

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I listen to mostly heavy / hard rock, and mostly doom or stoner… Mostly reasonably obscure stuff too - from all over the planet, including my town of Perth West Australia.

I like other stuff as well - e.g. “genre-defying” things like The Sleaford Mods, or Dry Cleaning, and post-punk stuff like Tropical F-ck Storm, and Amyl and the Sniffers (last two are Aussie).

Have a soft-spot for “Grunge Era” stuff like Soundgarden, Nirvana, Alice In Chains - and - The Beatles from “Revolver” onwards, and 1970’s hard rock like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Hawkwind et cetera - and some punk from the late 70’s…

Not only - but also : Classical Music, Monteverdi, Mozart, Vivaldi (Max Richter’s Vivaldi Re-composed is fantastic!), Chopin (and more - e.g. Maurice Ravel, Samuel Barber) - and I normal dislike opera, but I LOVE Maria Callas’ stuff!

OH yeah - forgot one of my other “genre-defying” favourites : Tom Waits!

I’m fortunate in that nearly ALL the “obscure” stuff I love is on Bandcamp - where I can get fully lossless digital downloads of albums I’ve purchased - and Bandcamp have a VASTLY better royalty structure for artists than outright scumbags like spotify (and probably Apple for that matter) - and Bandcamp - on the first friday of the month - have “Bandcamp Friday” where 100% of sales go to the artist!

I also still buy, and play, a fair amount of vinyl, but its so expensive, especially shipping to Australia, it’s double the price again!