Application list

Ideally, I’d want only packages added after the initial installation. However, to get that I’d have to create a list of applications after installation and a current list of applications and derive the difference. Assuming it’s too late for that, and you don’t want lib packages, so I recommend this:

dpkg-query -l | sed 's/^....//' | sed -r 's/(.{20}).*/\1/' | sed 's/^lib.*//' | sed 's/.*font.*//'| sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d'| uniq --check-chars=4 | tail --lines=+6 | less


On my system, this returns 967 packages. I’m assuming any packages with the same first 4 characters are related, so they’re not repeated. Change that assumption by changing the “–check-chars=4”. You may also want to remove font packages.