ArchLinux: problems with yay after system upgrade

Your issue sounds very familiar - I just can’t remember exactly what I did to resolve it. Looking back at my command history, I can see that I looked up libalpm, and then just reinstalled yay (i.e. I didn’t do anything specific to install or change libalpm).

Generally it’s best to use yay -Syu (or just yay) instead of pacman -Syu if you are using the AUR. yay performs the same tasks as pacman -Syu, but additionally updates the AUR packages. Sometimes an issue can arise where a package in the AUR gets out of synch with the main repositories.

Reinstalling yay usually fixes the problem: -

cd /opt
sudo git clone
sudo chown -R (your user name) ./yay-git
cd yay-git
makepkg -si

(You’ll need to install git first if you haven’t already done so).

If you have any issues reinstalling yay, you may be missing some of the base-devel packages. In which case try:-

sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel

… then repeat the reinstallation.


There are lots of useful packages in the AUR. Occasionally, one of them stops working (most recently puddletag - though there is a fix), but I’ve not really had any great problems with it.

I would say that 95% of the packages I install are from the main repositories though.


It looks like you have something missing from the base-devel package here.

Try sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel

NB it’s not because I’m especially bright or knowledgable here, just that I had a very similar issue myself just recently.

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I came across this issue last night, just reinstall yay:

git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si



Welcome @Esteban_Fonseca ,
I hope you find itsFOSS interesting and useful.

Hi and thank you for your comments. :heart:

That´s good to know.

The link doesn´t seem to be available.
But that one is: AUR (en) - yay-git. I guess (and hope) that should be the right one.

Many greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s strange - I’ve just tried ‘sudo git clone’, and it worked fine.

The URL (as listed on the AUR page for yay) is ‘’.

I lifted the original text from my personal Arch installation guide, which I use (and try to keep updated) whenever I need to install Arch.

yay uses basically the same parameters as pacman.

If you want to search for a package, yay -Ss {packagename} will look in all the standard repositories, AUR, and your own system, and return what it finds (local means you already have it installed, otherwise it will give you the repository name). You can enter just a part of the name, and it will return any package that includes that character string in its name, plus any package that includes the string in the description.

I’m not aware of an application browser for pacman or yay, such as is provided for distros like Mint, but ‘List of applications - ArchWiki’ is always a decent place to start when looking for something.


Hi again, :wave:

That is strange indeed. I got an 404 error here:

But it says:

To clone the Git repository of yay, run git clone

So the command you provided will surely work.
It seems I was mistakenly expecting the browser to load the page as well.

Cheers from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:

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