Creation of a distro for college project!

So… You’re always there to make sure that poorly coded, but needed, deamon is restarted when it crashes?

Wouldn’t it be logical to restart said deamon and automatically mail the admin “hey, this deamon crashed ”


Yes, in a home PC, I am nearly always there. In a server, no.

That is what supervision does

My point was that if the effort being put into providing supervision in init systems, was put instead into fixing badly coded daemons, we would not need such complex bloated init systems.

Supervision is a kludge.

“K is the kludge that you say,
You require to avoid some delay,
But that interem fix,
forms a habit that sticks,
And you’ll find that it’s in there to stay.”

That verse is in the “The Complete FreeBSD”
they dont give a reference.

It is all happening. People are writing init systems to make nanny programs to look after poorly coded daemons… and we are going to be stuck with it forever.


Not sure hiw far down the project you are now… but i discovered this tiny linux system by accident. Not sure if it helos or not ?

8mb memory and access from floppy disk, perhaps before your time that idea.

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Will check it…thanks.
Although im pretty ahead in my project. Only the default config files are to be edited and in the /skel too so that they become permanent for all users. And also the wallpaper and the /lsb-release

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Ok no problem

Keep up the progress

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Important update…

So I did everything as instructed by ChatGPT and Claude…(Yh i used them to get the steps so that i dont miss any)

I followed everything correctly and when i made the iso…bam…iso test failed…

So I just removed the /etc/skel directory in which I had placed a number of files like xfce-panel, xfce-desktop, etc so that the customizations I want stay permanent for all users, and the iso started working very fine( ie the /etc/skel was the problem)

Now the situation is such that I have the applications I want in the iso and also the ones i dont want are deleted…BUT, all the customizations I put in /etc/skel are just gone…its like xubuntu with change in apps.

This js very very bad and I literally cannot present this as a distro…
I had prepared a good looking customized xfce4 desktop in my xubuntu vm with docklike plugin, and also i made the taskbar perfect, but now its all gone from the iso.

Thank for reading up to here
If you have any suggestions on how to fix it, please post them.
Thank you in advance…

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If you have the original items can you recreate again ?

Perhaps list the steps you take so guidance can be given
Also try a bare bones creation, with almost nothing in it, then add each part in steps to create testing each one, slow very labour intense but perhaps you will find the component causing the fault that way.

For most graded projects its not just the working result for the marks, but also showing progress and the learning outcomes at each step.

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Exactly how did the .iso fail?
Did it boot?
What were the error messages?

Did you run it as a live .iso? or did you use the .iso to do an install and then attempt to run it.

If you wanted a live iso on a flash drive, another way to get a live flash drive is to do the following

  • partition the usb drive… it needs an efi partition and a linux partition
  • copy the linux root filesystem to usb drive
  • install grub on the usb drive…install it to the efi partition
  • fix the file /etc/fstab in the copy… you need to change UUID’s
  • remove the file grub.cfg in the copy
  • it should boot

In other words, use a full linux install on the usb drive, instead of making an iso.

That was a bit brief, there is a full document on how to do it here

Github is a bit touchy with pdf files, you may need to hit the download button.

Good luck with that

I think I know why the .iso will not run
Something you put in your distro may require writing to the root filesystem . You cant write to a live iso .
Is that it?


Sure, ill try that.

I didnt get any particular error messages. After doing my customisation and app installs, i clicked next and the iso was made, then when I clicked the ‘test’ button it showed that the iso cant be tested. Then i tried with VBox and got the error as no OS on the iso…

So I thought maybe /skel can be the problem and I deleted the contents in skel. ( Chatgpt told me to put the customizations in skel to make them permanent for all users, and i think that was a wrong response by gpt )

So what I am thinking to do now is check where the config files are located in the Xubuntu vm for a single user, and maybe put them in the same directories in my cubic iso, perhaps cubic will itself make them permanent.

Thanks and regards,

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So the iso was not made properly… or CUBIC refused to make it…or CUBIC did not work, or you did not set it up properly

I looked at /etc/skel … it seems to contain prototypes for dot files.
Maybe you should have put your material somewhere else… perhaps /usr/share/applications.

It seems to be used only for setting up files for new users.
Is that what you wanted?


I wanted to make the personalization to be visible to all users, thats why i placed it in skel. Now will try to place it in normal file locations like /usr as u mentioned. Was not able to do it today due to diwali and classes starting from tmrw :sweat: . Will try tmrw evening and tell the results. Thanks.


So I have now placed the config files in /custom-root/root/.config/xfce4/xconf/xfce-perchannel.xml … The iso is now in preparation, lets see how it goes…any other locations where the config files are located??

Also, in the xubuntu vm they r in /home itself, but i thought since i am using the cubic chroot to edit the applications and other stuff, why not place them in root…

edit: It didn’t work! :sweat:

Any solutions?


Only /usr/share/applications

I still dont see why location of config files is an issue?
or is it the presence of config files that triggers the problem?

It must be trying to do something with them… like copy them to a users home directory?.. it should be able to do that in the ram image… it just will not be permanent because it cant write on the iso file.

Sorry, no ideas.


I mean the xfce config files…

Same here, Its like cubic is only letting me install/delete programs and do nothing else. Also I just checked xubuntu vm and the .config seems to be in the home directory, so will try to put it there now…

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Do you have any alternative to cubic?
For example, in MX there is a utility which will make an iso of the running MX system.
It may be a cubic problem?


Thanks sir! I didn’t know about the MX utility…And yeah, it can be a cubic problem i guess. Lemme check out the MX Utility!

Also does the MX utility allow to set name, logo, release of our distro? Or I need to maunually change the lsb-release and os-reelease files? Although Cubic had the option, I still edited those just to be safe…And the changes reflected…Will they reflect in the mx utility?

Edit: I deleted the changes I did in the custom-root/root/.config/xfce4/xconf/xfce-perchannel.xml and the iso is now up and running…

But as u can see the customizations are gone now as the config files r removed.

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No idea, I have not used it.
MX is not the only distro with that utility… it was the first. I think Mint also has it now.

If all else fails, you can always make a full linux install in a bootable flash drive, as per my document. That will always work.


Sure! Thanks!

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I checked out the MX Linux Snapshot Creator and its amazing…it literally copies the system as it looks at the time of creating the snapshot including the customizations…

And yeah it lets us choose name if our distro.

Will try cubic for 4 or 5 more days and if it doesnt work then will switch To mx snapshot creator.

But i need to check how do i customise grub and the the boot / loading screen of mx before it starts and also when we shut down the system…


You should get splash screen changed from /boot/grub/grub.conf

Find line where is splashimage=
And change your image there