Dell Inspiron 530 Runs Gentoo!

Has nothing to do with that!!! This is about the open source nouveau driver, not working beyond the 6.9 kernel upgrade!!! Sure, I could run an AMD card, but I my as well kill Windows XP and Vista, because neither one likes AMD!!!

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OK, so its when they changed the kernel driver module calls. … No hang on, I thought that was about 5.18 kernel not 6.9?
So what changed in 6.9 that would affect drivers? Could you have gone back to 6.8?
Why 5.15?

This may have happened before the 6.9 kernel upgrade, I only happened to catch the error, after the 6.9 upgrade. Gentoo would boot but everything else was dead!!! There was also an update to the xorg drivers.

5.15.158 is the last LTS kernel 5 update!!! Gentoo and nouveau are running well now!!!
This same thing also happened with Ubuntu 22.04, when it went to the kernel 6 upgrade, nouveau quit working!!!

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So after recompiling Gentoo on this machine, I have discovered the real issue with Gentoo and the Mate DE. The problem with Mate was that caja, the file manager, had quit working, and stupid me, thought it was a nouveau graphics problem.
Come to find out, and with help from @nevj, I was able to track down and install the awol packages "x11-libs/gtk+ and media-libs/mesa.
My laptops that are running Gentoo, in a VM, are running well now, along with the old Dell Inspiron.
Gentoo may not be easy, but I sure enjoy the challenge!!!

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