- Having multiple versions of the same software installed becomes a lot easier, especially given a lot of them come with their own content, which might change between versions. This ease is especially the case with AppImage.
- Sandboxing is also an argument. Granted, for two of those package formats it’s optional, but still available. Not everybody has the skills to deal with virtual machines and the like.
Inviting the developer of AppImage for an interview would be nice.
Also, I’m wondering at what crowd FOSSCast is going to be aimed.
- If it’s aimed at regular users, having talks with developers of admin/development tools is a BAD idea.
- If it’s aimed at developers, having development topics show up, rather than end-user topics, would be the better idea.
- If it’s aimed at admins, then, yes, include admin stuff.
But, for the love of god, please don’t be dishonest with the regular user and confront them with the developer of Python, or firejail, as they have NO interest in development/admin topics, unless it’s directly applicable to them and not too complicated.
definition of “regular user”: A person who primarily uses their device for entertainment and/or productivity, and not development of software or administration of their device. The regular user wishes to spend as little time as possible with administration and/or development tasks, because that’s not why they have their device.