Getting Error While Installing AUR Package

Hey I Am Getting Error While Installing AUR Package In Manajaro Gnome

Anyone Can Tell Fix Of This Particular Issue

Note This Is Bot happening With only one repo happening with many Repos

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I’ve used manjaro before, what is it that you need to install from the AUR?

Hello Ayush,

You should have copy pasted the actual error text instead of this screen.

DKMS is related to kernel modules. Looking in the back, I can see that it is complaining about some kernel header.

You should check which version it wants and install it. That’s one way to handle it.

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Pls descriptively tell what you did otherwise try to fix it on your own there is no other brainier solution than this
Search for the error in Internet and try to fix it It would increase your knowledge and experience as well . :slight_smile: