Help It's FOSS Survive Google's Algorithm Changes and AI Overviews

I think there are two things to consider

  • we are only looking for a modest rise in itsfoss searches
  • the increased activity would not come from the itsfoss site.

So I think its OK, as long as we dont produce a flood


That script is just a draft. Anyone is welcome to enhance it in any way :wink:


I agree.

No need to do this @kovacslt although that’s an interesting script

What I appealed is that when you have a Linux related query and you are on google searching for a solution, try and add itsfoss to the query :slight_smile:


Many years ago I did similar work for a site called Protonic, where technicians such as myself worked for free in trying to solve computer issues, I started off answering apple questions as there was no other apple tech, then to windows as there were more windows questions, finally i specialised in linux just filling in for others in case of high volume.

Sadly the site died as we did not get enough contributions from users, who were asked to donate at the solution of the problem.

We tried all sorts to boost numbers of question to gain running costs, pay for servers and hosting, but were at a loss.

With this site, itsfoss, what is to be gained if we boost numbers as no money is collected and running costs could elevate to pay for band width increases.

Are there enough of us offering to help answer question

Just points to consider


Another strategy that would help with that goal would be to increase the quality of the itsFOSS site’s content. We can all work on that, even on the forum.

Numbers are a measure the site’s quality. You cant boost the quality by adding numbers, but you can boost the numbers by adding quality.

Its the same with Google… they use numbers as a measure of quality… and they pay for quality content, not numbers.


What if, along with this, I append “”? :thinking:

How do you measure quality ?

Personnaly I think this site and its stablemates offer good quality linux information and resources, but its a small market who are interested so a small number visit.

Keep up the good work and thank you for the contributions

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Hi Neville,
Can you elaborate on this?

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Hi Jorge,
It was about quality of discussion on the forum.
There needs to be a balance, some fun , some serious linux issues, some helping
Each of those has a quality aspect
You get better topics if you attract the right people,
you the right people if you have better topics…
It is circular.
Right people does not necessarily mean more educated or more experienced … it is more how people approach things.

I think the FOSS forum has attracted quite a number of important contributors, and I
think the tone of discussion has improved, say over the last couple of years. We all need to work on keeping it going like that.

Does that explain what I meant?



I totally agree
Its difficult to do as we need interesting subjects and questions backed up by technically sound answers mixed with suggestions to diversified responses.

Not just simply how do i do that, do this, more widely educational not an easy mix.

I try very hard to introduce questions which will generate selection of answers and encourage comments. Such as the leaderboard one a few weeks back, to get people to look around and encourage others. Not sure it worked …


I think I fail with that aspect by too much focus on technical topics.

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Hi Neville,
Yes, you were very clear, thank you for your answer.

I asked you that question on purpose, because your opinion in the previous thread seemed to me to have great potential and needs to be developed.
I’m talking to you directly, but I’m addressing the question to all users.

In order to attract the right people and have better topics and vice versa, it’s up to us daily users to take the first step and try to create better topics.

Following your answer, and it’s my opinion, the restructuring of the forum has to start from within.

In your opinion, what could we all do together to improve the forum?

What topics could be interesting for us to have on the forum and which could attract new users?

And personally, what ideas do you have for better topics?

Please note: you are someone I hold in high regard and who produces excellent topics. I’m trying to develop this subject with you, firstly because I believe you should have ideas that can be implemented, and secondly so that all users can reflect on what you’ve said and also give their opinion.
Personally, I share the same opinion as you.



Hi Jorge,
The key word is ‘together’… a forum is not a blog
I like what you say.
Lets try and defind what makes a good topic?
Here are some suggestions

  • of interest to many people … narrow topics have their place but should not domiate the forum
  • entertaining
  • technically correct … if you are unsure say so, but still give your best knowledge.
  • helpful … if it is a help request focus on the need
  • topics outside computing … that is a difficult one. … they are sometimes brilliant

I think I have to say … dont ask me , ask everyone.
Looking at how many reads a topic gets is confusing… a lot of the reads will be internet searches not regular forum users.
So what about a survey topic? Would you like to do it? You would do a better job at that than me.

And my personal aim. I want to do my best to help make this a top quality forum.
But that us not all. I learn a lot here too.

What attracted me to FOSS in the first place? … I thought I could help answer questions, and it was friendly. I did not come here with topics in mind, that grew later.



I am in agreement with you both and happy to be involved helping where i can

But depends on the site owner and what he wants out of this forum ?

More visitors, possible more costs on band width and stockage

Also who controls the content ?
What stops mal users or wrong information

We can post anything i think but hope i am wrong ?

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That would only throw results from

A quick to see if a topic has been covered by itsfoss or not


There are moderators.
Thankfully they rarely have to act… That side of it has improved lately.

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A blog/website and forum have different takes on the same goal: providing useful information

On a website, it’s more like: here’s what I think/let me help you
On a forum, it’s more like: what do you think/please help me

You can surely share your finding, experience and experiments in the forum in your own way. When the same topic is covered on the website, it is more structured and covers each step in more details (usually).

Don’t worry about it.

Moderators have the rights to action and members have the right to report such bad actors.

Yes, if it relates to Linux and open source (primarily) or privacy and other tech-related stuff.


Who are the moderators ?
Makes no difference just never know

Does google index these pages ?
So a recient item such as new antivirus for linux, if you wanted to search would it point to that item ?

Also when we go off topic is that in the searches, again during the last few weeks I recounted a story about datapoint computer company would that get picked up ?

There are no problems with either reply just from interest.

Click “More” under Leaderboard then click on Groups, You will find the link to Moderators there.

Most of the moderators are inactivate. This does not seem to be a problem since for the past year and a half or so, the frequent users here are a group of friendly and knowledgeable people.


Thanks Howard not thought of looking there. See what you mean 3 of them are just not active ! I did fall fowl of one of those some time back and did not appreciate his language so happy he stopped.