Help It's FOSS Survive Google's Algorithm Changes and AI Overviews

Thanks for the mention Jorge (@Tech_JA)

About Google, to be honest since months ago when I do a research for example about a tutorial, settings, etc about Linux I use the following pattern

“Ubuntu PPA tutorial + itsfoss

About the rest of the thread, I will try to read it this weekend to share my 2 cents if is possible by my side.

I like this forum, there is no neither noise nor “down vote” lovers. And something valuable for me I am able to write posts in peace requiring opinions/experience for a topic.


Hi guys.

This thread has developed.

Anyway, here’s my take as a virtual non poster.
I can’t suggest anything more than what has already been said to make the forum more interesting/popular etc.
To be honest I think the forum is ok as it is and maybe other subjects can be added but not too many.
To tell you where I am in the computer world is basic for want of a better word. Been on windows for a while but am a newish linux user and learnt a lot by looking at forums.
I’m a reader rather than a frequent poster for reasons stated above (I don’t know enough) that being said I do know some things and for probs do a net search first when I want to know something, if that goes nowhere I then look at forums and quite often it gives what is needed. A hands on result.
To my mind that enables me to help others and in my limited way I will if poss.

Itsfoss came to me by way of a search so I looked and studied it for a while before joining.

Nice, friendly forum for linuxminded people both with little knowledge or lots of. The site is also of great interest to me too.



Hello Jorge, thank you/ya’ll for a friendly, honest and inviting community! Your knowledge level is very high, and broad. I migrated to Ubuntu a year ago, and my searches finds its way here every time. I’m a linux-noob, with some experience though. For the moment running older hw, with a lamp setup. And one of my tasks is building a db/sql for collections like stamps, for personal use.

I haven’t yet got started to search the forum, but my biggest issue is organizing/managing files, folders, data, drives. It’s the PC that should be the secretary, and not the otherway… :slight_smile:

So my topic would be file management, drive organizing.
And there are probably a zillion methods, while all computers really should have some more than Docs, Pics aso. Or are you putting everything in one basket?



You all probably can’t hear me, but I’m here clapping about as loud as I can and smiling. It is really heart-warming to see so many people giving of themselves to to work together and make the world a better place. This is my place to go for help with Linux so kudos to everybody. I think this is what the word “ubuntu” refers to.


One of the things I have found to be a barrier is that if one isn’t logged into the system actively already, it is a COLOSSAL PITA to log on - I have fewer hassles logging into my BANK!
I run multiple privacy addons, adblockers, and no-script… Privacy badger seems to see multiple trackers when attempting to log on, and NoScript has lots of scripts that show up (many for known trackers) I also have often had problems even getting TO an actual log-in prompt, instead of pages wanting me to sign up to the mailing list… THEN I get a 2FA message…

The other forums I’m on take me straight to a log-in prompt, where I enter my username and password, and that is ALL… (I do have a confirm signup email when initially creating my account)

Even my BANK only does the 2FA crap if I’m using a machine or software install it hasn’t seen before…

ITSFOSS doesn’t handle my money, why should it be harder to log into than my bank?


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Have to agree with Art. While I have learned the sequence of backflips and somersaults needed to log in to ItsFoss, I’d be happy to move back to a simple userid/password system. Unless, of course, there are malefactors in the world that have cracked it. Then, of course, continue on as is. And keep Jorge happy–he’s contributing greatly.


Hi @Gary,
Thanks for replying.
I think you have an important point… not too many topics at once. … we want this to be a nice relaxed place.


Thanks @Eric_Simon ,
We will try and do something on that… its a good topic suggestion because
most people would have something to say in that area.


I never knew what that meant.
Can someine define it?

I know it is a pain, but it stops us getting bot posts. That is an even bigger annoyance. Stay logged in


Mark Shuttleworth is from South Africa


[o͞oˈbo͞onto͞o, o͞oˈbo͝onto͞o]



ubuntu (noun)

  1. a quality that includes the essential human virtues; compassion and humanity:

“there is a need for understanding not vengeance, ubuntu not victimization”


Ubuntu literally translated means humanity. Its a Zulu word. Zulu is one of the indigenous languages of South Africa. Hope that helps!


Hi Nevij. Thanks for your reply.

Yes, guessing there is many topics that crosses this area, it’s probably a discussion as much as a topic.

The fun starts when files are copied into secondary folders for easy access, on top of the storage.

Cload-storage is smart, but not always necessarily online. And in this AI times the clouds are probably getting scratch-marks from Bigtech…

A good place to start is setting up a local/home samba-cloud, and I miss a proper walk-through on configure it right from start. (The different apps.)



I feel here a new opportunity to mention Seafile, which is basically my private (storage) cloud.
I use the free (non-paid), self hosted community edition.
I’m more than happy with it…


Hello Kovacslt!
Seafile looks very nice. Link saved!

For the moment my server is my PC workstation. Preferably I want to have a separate server, but I might try it on my PC.


That is what you originally asked. Now we are talking about cloud storage.
I am confused.


It still is the file/drive organizing that is my topic.
That’s a wide area, and as it was posted under the AI Overviews I added the cloud-storage bit as a more specified approach. Maybe too much, and I can understand the confuse, that was not my intention.

My topic still concerns the structures for planning and keeping data organized. Just wondering if others have any ‘basic rules’ for their storage. Looking for a rational ‘standard’ so to say.

Thanks for your concern!


@nevj I found this: [ubuntu: “I am” because “we are”] ('I Am Because We Are': The African Philosophy of Ubuntu).


I never imagined so many comments and entries into the discussion in such a short time.

To all the new users and contributing members, you are of course very welcome. As someone pointed out the site does make great efforts to make everyone welcome experianced or totally new. Think we are all here to help each other.

Always bear in mind there is no such thing as a silly question and we have all been in your place needing to know something simple, even older (in time not age) members here continue to learn and many times a simple question makes us think about how to answer and how to help.

For my own part I have been in computing for over 50 years and yesterday, thanks to the site and a fellow member Neville I discovered 2 versions of Linux I had not come across before which would have been perhaps easier to use for my quest. Never too old to learn.

Your contributions are very welcome, yes you are allowed to just drop in and read until you feel comfortable in sharing or asking even correcting errors. There are always more ways to skin a cat (sorry poor idea)

Just changing the subject slightly, a few replies back, the suggestion was AI for writing replies on the site, something I have not thought about, does it help, does it improve communication, does it make you lazy, bit like calculators or spell check. .

i exchange with another tech on the site whose first lanaguage is not english I know he is not alone in that given the names of members, so can understand why he may consider its use, but for others, is it needed ? Is american, Australian and british english so different, apart from spelling ?


OK, I understand now., thank you.
So, why dont you start a new topic?.. “structures for planning and keeping data organized” is a good title.
You need to think and research a bit so you can write half a page or so
setting out the scope of what you want discussed. Just plain language is fine, does not need to be technical unless you want .
Give it a try.


Hi my friends,
Let me say that I really enjoyed seeing all the users involved in this thread chatting and, it may just be me, but I think I saw younger users posting and participating in our threads and more activity on the forum.

Am I wrong?

Forgive me for not replying to all the users, but I’m only going to reply to some users so as not to write too much (I’ve already written too much in this thread).

Jim K @jimofadel, Everyone heard you clapping, believe me, and thank you to everyone who mentioned the word “Ubuntu”, which we all know as a distro, but the meaning is often forgotten and thanks pdecker @pdecker and Mohamed Kikia @moki for mentioning what the word “Ubuntu” really means - a word used worldwide in the Linux community with tremendous meaning.

Eric Simon @Eric_Simon, between you and me, nobody listens to us, we’re all Linux-noobs (I mean no offense), because those who are just starting out in Linux know less than you: we’re always learning and there will always be those who know more than us.
From what I’ve read of your posts, you have ideas and Neville even encouraged you to create a new topic.
I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m looking forward to it.
Have you built your database yet? Share the experience too :grinning:

Gary @Gary, I completely understand, but I’m waiting for the day when you create a topic of your own :wink:

Manuel @Manuel_Jordan, How could I not mention you? For me, you’re one of the many current users who are evolving in Linux, it’s clear from the help you used to ask for and the help you’re currently asking for. By the way, thanks for writing the solution in your thread, even after a few months.

I think we can consider this a good topic. I believe so.

9 days ago, these were the forum’s statistics:

Today, the statistics are as follows:

I don’t have access to more statistics, but in the last 7 days, 22 topics have been created, compared to 8 in the previous statistics.
Will better topics be created? Will we have more users?
We’ll see over time, but we’ll be around to see.

Abhishek @abhishek , I publicly apologize for having spoiled your thread. I urge everyone to read Abhishek’s request for help:

Help It’s FOSS Survive Google’s Algorithm Changes and AI Overviews
(please click on the link above and read Abhishek’s post again)

For my part and once again, many thanks to everyone and as this is the 100th post in this thread, allow me to leave here an excerpt that I read in a link posted by Jim L @jimofadel:

“It is about coming together and building a consensus around what affects the community. And once you have debated, then it is understood what is best for the community, and then you have to buy into that.”


P.S. Ernie @ernie, thanks for the LanguageTool tip. I’ve used it before and for some reason stopped using it. It’s really coming in handy.