Here I go again with Barrier

Hi Sheila, :wave:

IĀ“m afraid thereĀ“s nothing new I can contribute to this subject. Otherwise I wouldĀ“ve done so by now.

As you seem to already have read the discussion here ā€¦ thatĀ“s all I could come up with.

Well, for me it was a much simpler case. 2 Linux distros - both running Linux Lite.

It was just a matter of applying the correct firealld settings in order not to be forced to disable firewalld each time I use barrierā€¦

For me it works perfectly. But your case is much more difficult, it seems. :neutral_face:
So sorry.

Many greetings fom Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


I saw here that Linux Mint uses ufw as a firewall.
So youĀ“d have to apply the firewall settings for that. ItĀ“s port 24800 which is used for barrier:

sudo ufw allow 24800/tcp