How can I get my friends to use OSS?

I’ll be honest, I don’t use Libre Office that much, and when I do use it to transfer my notes from my note pad to my computer with Libre Office Writer. Since you are a writer, you likely have more experience with Libre Office than me, so you are more likely to know what features Libre Office has over MS Office. I did find this something that might help you - it is a comparison of features between Libre Office and MS Office, written by the people who make Libre Office. A lot of these are not likely to be “relevant”, but some of them are.

Such as:

  • Stable layout when handling graphics and images
  • You can define page and frame styles
  • Text auto completion of words previously used (I do LOVE this feature)
  • More keyboard shortcuts (for example, in the version of MS Office I have on my Windows side doesn’t have a short cut for a bulleted list, but Libre Office Writer does)
  • Export to MediaWiki format (relevant if someone is making a wiki to organize their notes)

I have focused on Libre Office Writer, because that is all I have really used, but you can find the full comparison at the link below.

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