Much as I kinda hate Solaris UNIX these days - the man pages were very useful with real world practical examples at the bottom - very useful - you can absorb all the theory in the world - but - putting it into practise?
Another great system - talking of examples - in AIX UNIX - in smitty (System Management in TTY) - a console based admin tool - you could accomplish a whole bunch of things without resorting to the CLI - but - before you committed - it would show you an example of what it was going to do as a command at the bottom of the text based interface - very useful and educational⊠I seem to remember there was also an X GUI based version of smitty - but I canât remember the name of itâŠ
That sounds neat! Might check it out⊠Note : I just found a GIT repo for an x86_64 version of Pi-Apps : I just updated Pi-Apps on my Pi5 running Ubu 24.04 - and - it fires up a terminal and runs the update in a terminal - very handy⊠Note : Pi-Apps has some useful stuff - like Chromium that lets you sync with your Google account! Thatâs my main use case for it - as Google Chrome isnât available on arm / arm64 for LinuxâŠ
I worked with an image analysis system that did something similar.
You set up your image analysis steps in a GUI, then it remembered the sequence of steps and produced a script that you could run repeatedly.
Very impressive, considering it was done on CP/M
I am going to have a search for X smitty.
Found something
" > There are two smits.
smitty - for tty terminals
msmit - for motif or X
SMIT is a short shell script that selects which one to use based on $DISPLAY.
Both 1 & 2 get ALL of their information on screen content, prompts, options from the
ODM. There should be no difference in function between 1 & 2.
If you want to set the video resolution for the graphical display it
appears you need to use the GUI version of smit. "
It provides a cut-down version of man entries.
It might be suitable (and sufficient) for many cases.
tldr tar
HĂ€ufig kombiniert mit anderen Methoden zur Komprimierung, wie gzip oder bzip2.
Weitere Informationen:
- Erstelle ein Archiv von Dateien:
tar cf pfad/zu/ziel.tar pfad/zu/datei1 pfad/zu/datei2 ...
- Erstelle ein mit gzip komprimiertes Archiv:
tar czf ziel.tar.gz pfad/zu/datei1 pfad/zu/datei2 ...
- Erstelle ein mit gzip komprimiertes Archiv mit relativen Pfaden:
tar czf pfad/zu/ziel.tar.gz --directory=pfad/zu/verzeichnis .
- Extrahiere ein (komprimiertes) Archiv in das derzeitige Verzeichnis im ausfĂŒhrlichen Modus:
tar xvf pfad/zu/quelle.tar[.gz|.bz2|.xz]
- Extrahiere ein Archiv in ein Verzeichnis:
tar xf pfad/zu/quelle.tar --directory=pfad/zu/verzeichnis
- Erstelle ein komprimiertes Archiv und benutze den die Dateiendung des Archivs um die Kompressionsmethode zu wÀhlen:
tar caf pfad/zu/ziel.tar.xz pfad/zu/datei1 pfad/zu/datei2 ...
- FĂŒhre die Inhalte eines tar Archivs auf:
tar tvf pfad/zu/quelle.tar
- Extrahiere Dateien die mit einem Muster ĂŒbereinstimmen:
tar xf pfad/zu/quelle.tar --wildcards "*.html"
The example is in German because my system is set to this language. But youÂŽll get the gist of it.
Compare that to the output of man tar⊠.
Iâm 60+ but that prevents me from trying my hand at programming, Iâm learning a little and practicing on Replit. Iâm far from having any useful coding knowledge, but I love learning.
Iâm trying to learn Python,
thanks for sending me
Coding - Itâs FOSS
Tutorials and tips about setting up your software development environment on Linux.
That is a good choice.
Write some very simple python scripts to do small tasks on your computer⊠practice is everything⊠when you get a script to work, build on it.
Maybe so. Itâs good to have a nice understanding of the basics before tackling some topics.
VS Code is very nice for debugging though. The syntax highlighting I think I could take or leave. Maybe because I never had it when starting out, I tend to overlook it.
When just starting, uv could be a bit of a complication. But it is also super quick and can help you to manage virtual environments, install pip packages, and even install Python itself. Very handy.
Sometimes a distro you like doesnât have a version of Python youâd like to use. You can easily use uv to install many different versions at the same time. Also, and maybe most importantly, this prevents a user from causing issues with the system installed version of Python. Beginners many times donât create virtual environments and install packages to the system installation of Python. Later versions of Python prevent that, by default, and install only for the user.
Maybe try VS Code and uv after the first five chapters of whatever book you might use to learn.
Ok, I am starting to get uv ⊠it is like containers but with some intelligence.
Is it specific to Python?
What alarms me about Python is that it seems to interact with the system ⊠probably because some system code is written in Python, and Python is an interpreter, so the system demands a certain version. A compiler, on the other hand, is independent.
Given that, I think uv or some container option for a Python user is a good idea
The problem is not specific to Python. If, for example, one were to use Julia for system programming, Julia is a Jit compiler , so the system would be locked into a Julia version, and users needing a different Julia version would need a container.
So is it a bad idea to use interpreters and Jit compilers for system work?
Maybe that is why the kernel people are looking at Rust (rustc is a traditional compiler)?
Do I have it right now?
Does Python have separate versions for system and users?
You can see I dont understand Python.
How are they kept separate?
Python has a âbatteries includedâ philosophy where many commonly used libraries are installed as part of the standard library. There are also 600,000+ libraries available from PyPI (Python Package Index), a free community maintained store of libraries. A Python program called PIP is used to install from PyPI. Some of these libraries have conflicting requirements. If you update something the OS or APT or something along those lines uses, it can cause conflicts and problems.
Instead, you should create a virtual environment for your application and install libraries inside it.
The last two versions, I think, of Python have installed the libraries you PIP install to a âuser onlyâ environment rather than somewhere it can cause system issues.
The UV utility is right at one year old and just makes managing virtual environments and Python versions easier and quicker. Iâm on my phone right now, but can get an intro video link for the forum at some point. Here is the UV home page: