Install browser problem with Deb package

I also download videos from youtube or other sites quite often. What I mostly use, is the excellent youtube-dl command (get it e.g. by sudo apt install youtube-dl).
In case, you want to download multiple files, I consider this tiny perl script useful:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use feature q(say);

# in the following line of code change
# "/home/mina/Downloads" to your 
# download directory.
# Note, that you can invoke with the
# download directory as command line 
# parameter.
my $d = @ARGV ? $ARGV[0] : q(/home/mina/Downloads);

chdir $d or die qq(failed to open directory: $d)

my $l;
do {
  system qq(youtube-dl $l >/dev/null 2>&1 &) if $l;
  my $n = qx(ps -elaf | grep youtube-dl | grep -v grep | wc -l);
  chomp $n;
  say qq($n downloads running. Enter URL to download. Empty quits);
  chomp($l = <STDIN>);
} while $l;
say q(good bye);

Easy enough to copy it into the editor of your choice (check: there might be some HTML in the rendered output), save it as, say, and deploy it on your system with sudo cp /usr/local/bin.

In the future, you just type If you find a video on youtube or another site with videos (despite its name, the tool downloads from many, many sites), just mark the url and copy it with the middle mouse button into the command line.

You can use also use your download directory as a command line argument.