It appears that Microsoft may be reverting to its Balmer-days behavior

I dont know much about him, only what i read, but imagine many thought his ideas were worth following…

Just a personal thought on SB and Microsoft no offence made.

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Yeah, corporate types.

Secure boot didn’t come from Balmer. I don’t think he cared about user security . . .

Sorry meant steve balmer not secure boot.

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I noted here :
something that might be considered an abuse of monopoly and worse.

Many students need a portable computer but can’t afford a recent one at current prices. In many countries, their educational institutions require the use of M$ “Teams” for videolinked courses; sometimes the state educational authority imposes the use of this and other Microsoft products.

It seems very probable that Windows 10 will soon be unusable.
Despite valiant efforts it has been difficult if not impossible to get “Teams” to work on Linux machines as reliably as is needed (students can’t afford to miss too many courses…).

One may speculate on whether M$ have now gone too far, not only in locking people into their own OS and software, but incidentally (?) in damaging peoples’ education prospects by promoting the organised obsolescence of computers and peripherals.

This matter goes beyond the USA.


Teams works for me on my linux box no problem, but only If I log in and use my hotmail account.

Its just like google sheets, only works if I log in and use my gmail account.

If I try using the wrong address it blocks me.

I only have gmail and hotmail for these reasons not for mail.


That’s concerning. When I went to the local community college, I took a few on-line courses, but they were all provided on the school’s website. It must be significantly less expensive to provide courses on MS Teams that on a school’s own website. I don’t use Teams, and I’ve never tried using it on GNU/Linux, so I can’t comment on its reliability. If what you say is true, Microsoft must work on making the on-line version of Teams more reliable, or schools must find another way to provide their on-line courses.



That is something worth more attention.
It must be possible to provide the perfect Windows environment, inside of Linux.

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This is the guide I used to create a Windows 11 VM using QEMU/KVM. It’s the best/most complete guide I’ve found.



Wine should provide a solution, but for me teams works on lmde so not sure the problem.


You didn’t say how you got Teams to work. The link I gave leads to forums (one in French) which indicate that this is far from obvious - see

and …
All I was trying to do was supply a computer to a student who couldn’t afford one. It has been pointed out several times that those of us (volunteers or professionals) who do this should not have to disclose their private lives to whatever software supplier in order to do so. Teams does not even allow a technicien to set up a dummy videoconference for testing purposes; this appears to be deliberate policy.


For my son the “preview” still works flawlessly.
You could download the .deb from webarchive:

But I have it in my own archives too.

I have no idea how long it will work.

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FWIW, I found this item on the Teams weblog. I hope it’s helpful,


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The replacements either don’t work or don’t work reliably. Access via a browser depends on the choice of browser and on other random variables that nobody has been able to work out.


Works fine with between 3 an 5 users log in

I am not the owner of the connection just use it to go to meetings with others

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