No options to print pdf as booklet on KDE Neon with Plasma 6.2

Is that the short name?
Check with lpstat

$ lpstat -a
MFC210C accepting requests since Thu 26 Dec 2024 13:40:34
OKI accepting requests since Sat 18 Jan 2025 20:29:56

Mine is called OKI… yes I should have used caps in example.(-POKI)

The name given by lpstat is the one to use.

a2ps is very useful, persist and get on top of it.

It has a config file /etc/a2ps.cfg and a2ps-site.cfg
do you have /etc/papersize correct? It will use that .


HP_OfficeJet_Pro_9010_series_62231A accepting requests since Fri 24 Jan 2025

Btw, have gone back to MX KDE.
The network printer is automatically setup and prints as expected.

Wonder why this difference compared to KDE Neon?

Do prefer MX as it uses less resources than KDE Neon and installing popular apps is a snap (or non snap ha!).


so did you get a2ps to print a 2 pages per page output?

That is an inconveniently long printer name… you dont want to be typing that all the time.

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True, but have never seen the need to change it.

Not a company printer.

If it works, don’t fix it right?

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Did a2ps work for you?

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Actually, with ongoing work and multiple activities, and MX doing a good job thus far, have set this test for another day when next booklet job will come around.
Which shouldn’t be that far off.


First of all, my apologies for procrastinating on trying this out.
Was on my todo list for so long…

Secondly, have gone back to KDE Neon Plasma 6 and, believe it or not, without any opened apps, seems to be using less resources than MXLinux!

Thirdly, network printer is installed automatically so, using HPToolbox to set it up was useless. The fact that it was installed automatically escaped being seen in the HPToolbox. In fact, it was this “second” setup that i would use in the past and giving all the hassle!

Hard to explain, but everything is find and dandy. :grinning: