You may need drivers for that



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sorry for the delay in replying, been away so not got any new developments or updates

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Well finally got my first Pi5… I should really ease up on these impulse buys :smiley:

Still not sure what I’m gonna do with it… I won’t be running Pi foundation desktop called “Pixel” 'cause it’s UGLY and looks like a toy O/S… Trouble is - XFCE on Raspbian never seems to have all the integrated features (e.g. the XFCE WiFi doohicky barely functions, if at all - Xubuntu usually has a later version of XFCE with better integration of features [like WiFi])…

So - that’s (screenshot) running Rasbian / Debian Bookworm (64 bit). Those Resolution, Theme, Icons, values are coming from my desktop machine I used to ssh to it - it’s headless…

But I may yet switch to Ubuntu 23.10 (not sure if the arm64 version of Pop!_OS supports Pi5 features yet) - because I can’t stand Raspbian with Pixel desktop, and the default XFCE you can install is so poorly integrated with Raspberry Pi features - but I may try it out (sudo tasksel install xfce-desktop)… The only time I’ve ever used Gnome on a Raspberry Pi, was either in Ubuntu or Pop!_OS (on a Pi4)… Kinda get better performance on XFCE (or that ghastly Pixel - which is LXDE - sorry LXDE fans I despise this too!).

Will report back again after testing XFCE (will have to hook my NextDock up to the Pi5)… Right now it’s running off a 512 G Samsung SD-Card… If I want to use the USB 3 bus to boot - I will probably need a better power supply (using a Pi4 USB C power supply - they recommend one with higher wattage for the Pi5) and I don’t even have a case (yeah - that’s right - won’t fit in a Pi4 case, or a Pi3 case).


If I had your collection of Pi’s, I would be trying to link them together into some sort of parallel processing array.
You could use amoeba os. That would be interesting.

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Hmmm… Interesting… I might checkout Amoeba OS as something for the 3 idle / unused Pi Zero W boards…

Here’s the Tally :

2 x Pi3B (one runs TVHeadend for FreeToAir TV broadcasts - mostly just watch ABC and SBS - sometimes Footie on commercial networks) - the other one’s idle - but planning on making it the “computer” inside a gutted Macintosh SE/30 chassis
3 x PiZero W - currently idle
2 x Pi4 8GB (one runs Kali - the other Pop!_OS
1 x Pi4 4 GB (sits in the kitchen next to broadband router - it’s my SSH jumphost into my home LAN from the wild intertubes)
2 x PiZero 2W - this is an entirely different beast than the old Pi Zero (mainly 'cause it’s now 64 bit capable - and has a WHOPPING FOUR CORES!) - I used one as a “USB Gadget” and the other one is the compute module for my BeepBerry (blackberry keyboard and low power LCD display)

Strike that - there’s no arm / armhf / armel port of Amoeba OS…

I feared that.
You can still do it with Linux.
We need to look around for some tools.

Maybe Inferno

"Native ports include these architectures: x86, MIPS, ARM, PowerPC, SPARC.

Hosted or virtual OS ports include: Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Plan 9, Mac OS X, Solaris, IRIX, UnixWare."

It would be an interesting project, if we can find the right tools

Also have a look at HTCondor. It runs inside Linux. Not sure if it is available for ARM