Printing solar panels

At one stage there was talk of using power lines to deliver the internet instead of adding more cables before fibre

The odd coat with solar is nothing to this

Wish i was on commission for the sale of these… imagine the infrastructures needed to just install never mind service

They did, but other things tended to get them first

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ROFL about such a serious discussion about phantom radiation or energy particles or radio waves. The only sensible thing was Nev’s comment about cancer not killing people because other things got them first. And then there’s the problem of GMO wheat–engineering the grain for easy harvesting brought unintended consequences in the form of increased celiac disease and other wheat sensitivities. But that’s a real phenomenon, not the “chemtrail” idiocy kind.

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Also we did not have the technology to detect or in some cases prolong life yesterday to what we have tomorrow

On food production…
We went shopping yesterday, the chicken was from america, the fruit was from south america, the lamb was from new zealand the rice from china… we were in a big supermarket where goods are shipped half way round the world, how are they treating the products to keep them good for such long trips ?

We have moved from solar, sorry, emotive subjects

Better than land covering but tidal issues

Basically freezing.
Also some countries require irradiation of incoming food to prevent importing plant and animal diseases.

Is OK.
If we did not waste energy moving stuff around, maybe we could get by with less power generation.

I also wonder about flying people around ? We do hsve other means of communication today.

There is a movement here to promote
‘Product of Australia’ labelling.

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There are concerns about harvesting tidal energy

it slows the earth’s rotation.

Also, I wonder if harvesting wind energy has side effects.?

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I read up on this.
It is possible, but very inefficient, at least with todays technology.
If you put an antenna near a radio transmitter, you can trap tiny amounts of electrical energy

Laser beams can transmit energy too.

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There is the story of the butterfly in Australia causes massive winds in europe or something similar.

Everywhere i look there are windfarms, but we live in an area of france known for strong wind, except the weekend when there is the competition for wind foil, kitesurf etc.

That is Chaos Theory. It happens when there are non-linear effects.

If you take power out of the wind you slow the wind. That must affect everything the wind is connected to.
They say wind is caused by uneven temperatures across the earths surface. So if the wind is slowed, temperatures may remain more uneven. Who knows what that may do?

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Nothing we do can affect the wind except very locally. No climatological effect, including no temperature effect.

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If you extract energy, it has to come from somewhere, and that somewhere will experience a loss of energy.

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We are down to

The worrying part is if Gulf Stream could collapse and the effect on temperature in the northern hemisphere, that must also have knock on effects

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Soiar panels harvest energy created by a photoelectric reaction and do not diminish the energy contained in sunlight. Wind and water-driven produce electricity from a tiny fraction of the energy available in wind and falling water. They do not diminish the flow. Don’t think any of the sources are diminished by the harvesting of electricity created by the reactions. Not subject to considerations of conservation of energy or momentum.

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I thought everything was subject to those laws?
You can not create energy out of nothing, you can only shift it around or change its form.
Photons extracted from sunlight are no longer available to warm the earth, but, when we convert them to electricity and use it, we warm the earth somehere else and at another time.
The wind is driven by temperature differences and the earths rotation. If we use the winds momentum, we reduce it., but the electricity we extract again warms the earth at another place and time.
both solar and wind power may change temperature and wind patterns, but they wont change the suns running down or the earths slowing rotation

If we use tidal energy, we may change the tides, but we wont change the moons orbital period.

There is no feedback to the remote energy source when we extract, but there are side effects locally on earth.

I am not pontificating, just thinking it through.

I am with Neville on this every action has a positive and negative reaction.

You put a black object (solar panel) in the sun it gets hot, you transfer power down a cable it gets hot…

You put a wind farm up with 20 wind mills they must effect flow of air, thats how sail boats move

The black object converts some of the sun’s energy to heat, but doesn’t effect the total energy available by a measurable amount. Power in a cable only creates heat because it’s not a perfect conductor; yes, heat loss does happen. 20 wind mills extract motion from moving air, but they’re not a wind break any more than sailboats are. Any loss is a local effect only–as when Nev jibes upwind of Paul’s boat and collapses his spinnaker. Measureable differences are one thing; theoretical differences are something else.

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But if you have a field of black panels the heat generated by the mass must count for something

Same with wind farms , i can count 40 at least on the hills across the lake from us, if the wind is turning them there must be an effect of movement,

Basic physics I think…

But not done any research on these things just educated guess.

100 years ago we did not have global warming now we do , stop blaming cars and blame conversion sources to electric cars

Agree, some effects we have mentioned are small.
small effects can cumulate
Who would have thought burning fossil fuels would overload the atmosphere with CO2.
Who would have thought CO2 , which is a tiny fraction of the atmosphere, measured in ppm, could have an effect on climate if increased slightly
Who would have thought a 1 degree C increase in mean global temperature would have significant effects on climate.

We need to be careful of tiny effects which can cumulate. It is like over-eating… it affects your weight long term, but it is trivial on any one day.

BTW Is there any feedback? If we capture energy from tides, and therefore diminish tides by a tiny amount, is there any gravitational effect back on the moon?