I have no idea why my wife decided to marry me. The only thing I know is that I waited until I couldn’t imagine living my life without her in it before asking he to be my wife. After she said yes, we both set some ground rules. Rule number one was that we’d be partners in everything about the combined life we’d share, and we made all major decisions together, and dealt with any consequences together too. Our second rule was that I’d earn our income, and she’d manage, and spend it. In other words, she’d make sure our bills were paid before we used our money for anything else. We modified that rule when she decided she wanted to go to work too, but we always shared in decision-making. Our marriage was a true partnership, and I think that’s why we did so well together.
Think we can mostly agree with that comment.
Before asking my wife, I wanted to get résidence status in france, due to brexit an enforced situation, as later did not want any come back from her family, you only married to stay, which happens to some couples. Yes I have that card, but to get nationality I would have to pass a written exam in french to A level standards. My wife tried and despite being native and a French teacher she failed so I have no chance.
Originally after 5 years of marriage it was automatically granted, but no longer.
She married me because I am from Yorkshire, which is a great honor, something to be proud of ! Ha hahaha