"Samba doesn't work." Rant

Thanks very much for your input. I will check out Pcloud. I do like the simplicity, and I do use Google Drive for some things in that way. The exceptions are (1) when I want to move 80GB of files to a ‘new’ computer as quickly as possible (or even 3GB) (2) when some of the files have my SSN (etc.) in them, because businesses get hacked. I have used DropBox in the past too. When I have two devices connected to the same network, it seems to me like it ought to be simple to move huge amounts of data from one to another very quickly. It’s like if I wanted to fly from New York to New Jersey and I find out that it is much EASIER to go with a stop in San Francisco.
P.S. I was a devoted Mint user for several years, but I get restless eventually; now it’s Zorin, which is also based on Ubuntu, like Mint. Life is better with Linux!

I’m a Pcloud user as well. IMHO, it’s an excellent service. Having backups off site is a good practice. Again, IMHO.

I have not tried this, but it sounds promising. Linux Magazine lists a few programs to ease transfers across a local network without Samba, NFS, or SSH.

Warpinator is one program, Teleport another, and LAN Share a third.

Warpinator lists all computers on the local network running the program. Drag and drop files or folders on the target to transfer.

Just fyi…

If someone is interested, just pm me.