Switching from Windows to Linux

I will have to blame the Laptop for not installing 19.1. The Lenovo X220 is a PC - tablet. Being part tablet, it has a touch screen that can be use with a special pen. I chose Mint 18.3 figuring that since it has been out for awhile that most problems I would come across should be solved.
When I booted Mint 18, the cursor was jumping all over the screen. I could only stop the jumping by touching the screen with the pen. Touching the screen with a pen with one hand and then trying to type with the other hand. Not good. :disappointed: I found a temp fix of the jumping cursor on the web. ‘xinput’, then ‘xinput disable 11’. But every time I boot Linux, I had to perform the temp fix.
Again, hunting the web and changing how I asked the question, I found a permanent way to stop the jumping cursor. :grinning:
Long story but, when I loaded Mint 19.1 on to the laptop, I had the jumping cursor again. The fix for 18.3 did not work for 19.1. I did a quick search for a fix for Mint 19 and did not find one. So, I went back to Mint 18.3
The desktop has a regular monitor so Mint 18.3 or 19.1 worked on it just fine. I may even load a couple other Linux distro on the desktop to see how they run.