Thoughts on swap file vs swap partition use

I prefer a swap partition so that the space is alocated in concrete. Then when the drive approaches full (particularly on laptops with hibernate active) the swap space doesn’t get affected. I do see the benefit of the swap file though - more dynamic ans can self expand if required and the free space is there.


This doesn’t mean at all, that you actually used up your RAM. Small amounts in your swap like this can happen all the time, independently of your actual RAM usage.


It’s funny that this sounds like this is a lot to process, but if you look into each app you mentioned, then you will see that each of these is made to use up a very low amount of resources in relation to how much they offer. So it doesn’t surprise me that you don’t use up as much resources with all those apps running.
Try e.g. using Firefox, having ~250 tabs open, many YouTube tabs in between + a game, then it will look differently. :hushed:


Swap file is more pratic for use, and user can always choice the size ideal for be used.
Different of a partition that have fixed size and rare for be used, wasting space.
Partition is an old conceit in Linux, modern Linux can use file swap perfectly, without slowdowns. :sunglasses: