Virtualbox on Ubuntu 24.04 - Guest Additions

Hi Mark,
It is not in the Debian repo… there are some tools

$ apt-cache search VMware
open-vm-tools - Open VMware Tools for virtual machines hosted on VMware (CLI)
open-vm-tools-containerinfo - Open VMware Tools for VMs hosted on VMware (Service Discovery Plugin)
open-vm-tools-desktop - Open VMware Tools for virtual machines hosted on VMware (GUI)
open-vm-tools-dev - Open VMware Tools for virtual machines hosted on VMware (development)
open-vm-tools-salt-minion - Open VMware Tools for VMs hosted on VMware (Service Discovery Plugin)
open-vm-tools-sdmp - Open VMware Tools for VMs hosted on VMware (Service Discovery Plugin)
vmware-manager - utility to manage VMware virtual machines

So do I have to install it from elsewhere?
or is that vmware-manager thing it?
It is not in Void repo either.

I read this
" The discontinuation of ESXi and other standalone VMware products – except for the desktop (type-2) Workstation hypervisor line, at least for now – is not being well-received by many VMware-focused internet communities. It’s seen as another nail in the coffin for VMware’s overall business, with one user stating that the company will likely be replaced by something else in 10 years, despite being one of the leading companies for virtualization solutions."

Looks like it may become a dead end product?
That is the trouble with non-open-source programs, they can easily disappear.

I still might have a look at it


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Yes it is the player itself from VMware website
If you scroll down a bit you’ll see a download for Linux. They are not very clear on how to install it so I’ll leave the instructions below for a Ubuntu based system.
First we need some dependencies: In Terminal

sudo apt install gcc build-essential -y
Next we need to go to where we downloaded the bundle file.
cd Downloads
Once inside Downloads folder type ls
You then to install is type or copy and paste:
sudo bash VMware-Player-Full-17.5.1-23298084.x86_64.bundle


i would like to see what that script does before I run it.
Especially where does it put files., and does it delete anything?

I used to use the VMware-Player with Windows a few years ago, but the VMware-Player, is good, it will mostly only run distros like Ubuntu!!! In other words, forget about running anything like Gentoo with the VMware-Player, and just because a user may run the VMware-Player, does not make it non-proprietary, because it very much so is.

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I suppose that means Void would have problems.
I guess we should stick to Debian based distros.

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