Wifi drops off every couple of minutes in Ubuntu 22.04

I had similar issue with both WiFi and Bluetooth on a Thinkpad E495 (Ubuntu and/or Pop!_OS - even Fedora maybe?) - gave up and bought a replacement mini PCIe card.

The culprit was Realtek chipset - replacement card was Intel AXP chipset - works mostly flawlessly (I think I need to check my antennas though - as it’s slower than it should be when I’m outside the house)…


There’s one more thing you can try.
I admit this sounds stupid, but I have seen such behavior, that after Windows the network card shows random problems and inreliable working in Linux.

After you used Windows on that machine, don’t just reboot to Linux.
Power down completely, even remove the battery, if it is possible.
Let it rest for couple seconds, then do a cold boot right to Linux.

I’m not saying this will help, but who knows?


I very rarely use windows , only when i use the windows cad software. Tried that, still not working. The WiFi key is working for now so I’ll stick with that.

Anyway, thanks to all who assisted me. I appreciate your help and contributions.

Mohamed Kikia


Cad software exists for linux

But I dont know enough about which you uses or for what and its compatibility with your projects. Just an idea


I use Freecad for 3D printing object designs. A bit of a steep learning curve, but its free and open source so I’m not complaining! Sometimes I use Librecad, but its only 2D. I used Draftsight some time ago which I found to be better and easier to use than AutoCad. Very good cad package and supports Linux as well. There used to be a free version. All of a sudden they stopped the free version and now you have to pay. Paying is fine but not exorbitant prices for hobby/personal use. I also use Tinkercad for 3D print design. Its cloud based. Onshape has a free version also cloud based, but you never know when they will pull the plug and then all your designs are gone.


Never done any 3d printing at this stage no use for me. Did install one on a mac a few years back but never seen the results, my client had great plans to use but he is continually full of ideas that never materialise.


Quick update! I removed Ubuntu and installed Mint Cinnamon Edition . Everything is working fine now including the WiFi.



That is strange.
I wonder if it was a software version issue?

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I suspected that, but was not able to track down remotely :confused:


I have found just recently that most of my solutions have centred around lmde so have chosen to only offer that as a solution.

Each ubuntu version has caused me problems with little things not working correctly, even mint cinnamon based on ubuntu has issues lmde appears not to suffer with


You are on the best way towards vanilla Debian :smiley:


Not sure i like vanilla always gone for flavours, at least with ice creams

I am going to try out lmde especially in view of the direction Cannonical/Ubuntu is taking. I have been using Ubuntu for many years. I notice people have experienced some driver issues with lmde. I hope this will be resolved or that there is a workaround. Some have experienced issues with Bluetooth and others with Nvidia drivers.

LMDE technically equals to Debian stable.
Ubuntu -and hence its derivatives- draws the base from Debian testing, so it is a newer codebase.
If you have a hardware that was already supported when Debian stable was freezed, you can expect zero problems. If you have a newer hardware, your hope can be that it will get support soon via backports, but that’s not sure.
If that’s the case Debian (currently) will not be your distro :wink:
Something like this happened to @nevj when bought a Radeon card, for which Debian stable lacked drivers.


I have never experienced driver issues with any mint version, lucky ? Or just older boxes I have done…

But if you do experience issues, you can always ask for more help, sure you will not be alone.

Thanks! That’s reassuring. Will give it a go and see what happens. I’ve nothing to lose!

Yes. That problem has now solved itself. Debian12 has the amdgpu driver.
So with this sort of issue, what you do is temporarily use some other distro until a new release comes along. In my case backports were not sufficient, I needed a new release.


As lmde is a rolling edition as debian gets the updates they are rolled out to this version ?
So tomorrow it will be in the daily updates or am i mistaken ?

Debian is not a rolling release. LMDE is not either.
Now I don’t have it installed- so I can’t show you-, but if you give it a try and install LMDE, you’ll see, that the most entries in /etc/apt/sources.list point to Debian stable repositories.


Sorry my error

Will Linux Mint become a rolling distribution? Solved - Linux Mint Forums.

When i first started to use it a long way back 2010 it was and just never noticed it had changed, as its only now at version 6 where mate is at 21.3, so had never investigated further.

I stand corrected, thank you