Your one favorite Linux desktop application

Thanks Mark, I need that.
I sometimes have to run long compute jobs… in the Summer I worry about overheating with something running over several days. This seems to be the solution.


For me it’s Davinci Resolve and RAWtherapee.
And GIMP of course.


My most favourite app is LyX.

I don’t LaTeX as much as I did, when I was in uni, so I forgot so many commands and tricks, but with LyX, I can still get the nicest documents.

And there is the konsole terminal. My first love and my last.


I also love Konsole. It is a great terminal.


Thanks Laszlo for mentioning Rawhterapee …a very useful app.

Frank in County Wicklow Ireland


A lot of really great applications here. My personal favorite application as of right now would have to be the Zellij terminal multiplexer. Out of all the multiplexers I’ve used I’ve found Zellij to be the most well built, reliable out of the bunch I’ve tried (tmux had some very strange interactions with my terminal that had very niche, annoying, fixes.). Very little configuration needed compared to the previous two applications (although very highly customizable if that’s your thing). And from what I can tell runs with a lot less overhead.

Along with Zellij, I’ve recently switched my terminal to Alacritty and I’ve been very pleased. Much for the same reasons I switched to Zellij are the reasons I switched to Alacritty, it has way more configuration options than my previous terminal, and has a lot of what I want built in, has a massive community so any time I’ve had trouble the people over there have been very helpful so far.

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Thanks for the warm words.

The latest stable release is 1.9.0-stable1, the latest beta of 1.10.0 was released on May, 5th 2024. Not abandoned and thanks for your donation :slight_smile:

Which distribution do you use?


Wow! Love your work man! Much appreciated.

I’m using Pop!_OS - much as I’d like to update Sayonara - I don’t want to install a PPA.

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