I’m a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer. I’ve spent the past 24 of my 30 plus years building and supporting Data Centers for Fortune 100 companies. While Micro$oft is my bread and butter, at home I’m 100% Linux! Even the laptop I built for my Fiance is Linux. I use NOTHING MS. Although I have a Win 10 VM if something absotively posolutely must be done in Windoze. But I avoid it if at all possible. The same goes for Adobe Reader, Photoshop, etc… I use open-source wherever possible. For my “OS” (I know, it’s a Kernel) I prefer Linux Mint Cinnamon on current hardware and xfce on older or lightweight hardware, of which I have a bunch. I own my own computer repair business. Many customers gave me their old hardware for recycling. I recycled some, but I also swapped a lot of components and installed Linux to make a fully functional PC. I ran my business on that antique hardware for years. Other boxes are Kodi Media Center PCs, Internet Radio players, etc…