Hope the mods don’t mind this.
I like that Gary. You panel beating skills are extending into the virtual world.
Happy New Year to all.
Australia kicks off the NewYear with a much needed pay rise for Aged Care Workers.
I sectioned off a part of the car body repair shop for printing presses etc and got into DTP as well as fixing cars. Unusual thing to do I guess in the mid 90’s but it paid off.
Retired now and the above joke box is a lame effort compared to what I used to be able to do.
desktop publishing… I had to look it up
I hope retirement is working for you … it did for me … opens up a whole slab of your time.
Yes and among other things, I use it to get to know more about Linux.
What got me into computers was looking at what the repro houses do.
That hooked me.
Do you mean like this
Image processing and graphics?
Yes linux has lots of image processing and analysis tools. Probably better than windows in that area.
Yes but it was less sophisticated in the 90’s.
I used a one man band who was very good at recreating anything/suggesting I showed him on paper.
On his mac he then laser printed it on paper, photographed it to film then used that film to burn the image to a light sensitive press plate of the the size required for the offset printing presses I had.
This sort of of thing is old school, or was, no idea how printing is done today.
Suspect big business repro is now directly linked online to certain presses to churn stuff out.
Sorry to be boring.
Wish you all the best for the new year.
Superb gary appreciated those screen images
Happy new year everybody
Hope this 2025 brings you good health and much happiness
Not boring. I know that today most scientific journals are printed directly from Tek
typesetting files. I dont know the details of the process.
That’s funny. Thanks for sharing @Gary
And happy new year 2025 to the community members
“Don’t worry about the world ending today. It’s already tomorrow in Australia” – Charles M Schulz