Cried with laughter when I read this post as on opening the web page under operating systems:-
“If you are currently using an operating system that collects data like Windows 10, you should pick an alternative here.”
Top of the list was linux distro Fedora. I then clicked the “Privacy Policy” box taking me to the legal page…
Lengthy statement - I know. Nearly wet myself reading what they do or might grab from your personal details and how they might use it - Yikes! Is Win10 worse than this - guess so but…
Members would do better to to read something far better, simpler, clear and shorter too at…
Now wasn’t that refreshingly simple and so easy to understand…? Cool.
My advice is to take little notice of this web site and not start me (2nd) on list Ubuntu’s links to Mzoft…
and yet again secure encrypted drive Trisquel gnulinux are missing…
However Qubes, Tails+Tor, which I always keep fully updated on a USB stick, and GrapheneOS fully updated and fully updated AOS with security patches; which I flashed onto my phone are a good start if device security figures with your personal requirements. I use Tails+Tor a lot when on web for forced YTube viewing or dodgy keyword searches like Assange… results can be stored in a special partition or saved to another USB drive.
GrapheneOS is a strange one perhaps the opposite of Tails+Tor and probably best described as hiding in plain sight. It has a security hardened version of Chromium called Vanadium. Over the air 4G updates are fairly quick and so simple then just restart your phone.
Stay Safe