Adding a watermark (as a brush) in GIMP

Copying the WaterMark.gbr file to .gimp-2.8/brushes made the watermark available in GIMP 2.8 But not 2.10. Where are brushes stored in GIMP 2.10?
This is under Linux Mint 19 on a
64 bit machine

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Have you tried this path ?


Tried that (Thanks) and also put the new brush in some of the subordinate folders (along with some of the brushes that show up in the List View) but it still doesn’t show in any list of brushes.
Sooo…there must be an index file somewhere…

This might help


Did you install it via Snap? The path would be totally different.

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In that case, check the Home folder.

Didn’t use snap. Did find existing and usable brushes at the end of the chain.
I’m predicting that there’s a linking file that’s controlling what brushes are actually available to users.

Did you try the .config path ? That should work.