Advice for OS needed


No need to bash yourself

If anybody had just executed the install-desktop command without any precaution, she wouldn’t have deserved the slightest bit of mercy for any unintended consequences.

As far as your experiences with installing one desktop over the other go, seems like it can be less problematic than I would have feared.

However, your advice

is obviously gold!

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Thanks for your kind and positive reaction to my comments.

I just want to add: when running Bodhi with the LXDE desktop choosing “Lubuntu” at the login screen the resulting OS runs Bodhi in such a Lubuntu-like way that it´s almost impossible to spot any difference.
And still extremely lightweight…

I´d even consider this scenario as a replacement for Lubuntu next April.
But I´m still not sure about LXDE´s future. :neutral_face:
Will it be further developed or not… I´m at a loss here.
So if anybody knows more about this topic - please let me and others know, if at all possible… :wink:

Thanks again and many greetings.
Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


Totally idiotic question, I know: Does “Bodhi” have anything to do with the protagonist of the 199x(?) surfers’ film Point Break (Gefährliche Brandung)?

PS: We have now reached 42 replies, so every possible question should already have been answered.

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Hi @Rosika you asked ……

Perhaps; as I understand you; not only is update control very important to you, this thread shows that the LXDE desktop is of equal or even greater importance. My choice would be an OS compatible with all PCs from Pentium Pro onwards, including 64 bit ones – so no need to upgrade hardware. It has a 1.2 GB Live DVD iso image, LXDE desktop and no hype whatsoever – Yes you all guessed it - Trisquel Mini ……

Guess you can say the LXDE desktop is safe in their hands? Obviously at the end it is a matter of personal choice with a good dollop of brand loyalty. I am perhaps devoid of loyalty as I regularly use four of five OS’s if you include my custom GrapheneOS open source phone. Therefore I see little reason to delete (as clonezilla looks a little complex) ubuntu-Win10 on Dell and install Trisquel 9. Though it would be a polished performer I need something quite different to wet my appetite and keep the grey matter’s 1950s OS functioning and updated. Do I need to BleachBit the HDD after backing up files?

Though Mina’s desktop looks very nice :eyes: and is obviously tweaked to her liking I can’t understand this belief or mantra that only this system offers such adjustments, even finer adjustments to developers :man_technologist: :woman_technologist: Will write another post on this and the preconceptions of running new stuff on old outdated hardware. Stay Safe All :mask:

ps 43 replies :astonished: so we are just getting started… :laughing:

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I wouldn’t have guessed, given the persistence with which you keep promoting Trisquel. :wink: :kissing_heart:
There must be something to it, worth a try at least.

Oh no, besides the reasons mentioned above, I’m just a lazy animal of habit: I never really got into the Windows world. When I started real computing in uni, we had SUN work stations and aside from the odd DEC, there wasn’t anything else. So, Linux was my obvious choice when it came to choose anything for my home PC. The shiniest thing there was at this time fvwm2 and then came KDE … modern, stylish, polished, almost as the (then) brand new MacOS. I just stuck with it.

No way, I’m saying it’s “the only thing”. It’s just what I know best.


Hi all,


I wouldn´t know about that. As far as I know it´s Sanskrit for " enlightenment" and I found a confirmation here: What is Bodhi? - Definition from Yogapedia :

Bodhi is a Sanskrit term meaning “enlightenment” or “awakening.” It is a Buddhist concept that refers to the understanding of truth, which is possessed by a bodhisattva . […]

Funny thing: the Moksha dektop is an enlightenment fork. :smiley:

Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


I´d say that´s true to a certain extent.

It has to be said though that uptdate control is No. 1 to me in the ranking of importance.
Then: fixed release instead of rolling release, after that: DEB package management (if possible).

If manageable sticking to LXDE desktop environment would be great, yet it´s not mandatory.

I looked up Trisquel Mini on and learned its download would be 1.2 GB in size. That´s pretty neat and doable for me. I could save up for that kind of download.

LXLE ( ) wouldn´t be bad either as it´s based on Lubuntu itself and also still makes use of the LXDE desktop.
Last June I subscribed to the LXLE mailing list in order to find out more about the LXDE issue.
I asked

If LXDE desktop environment isn´t supported any longer what does that
mean for future editions of LXLE?

One mailing list member posted as an answer:

I am afraid that LXLE 18.04.3 will be the last LXLE!

Yes, that is bad news, but I am 99% sure that it will be so. The reasons are simple. Lubuntu switched to LxQT, LXDE desktop environment is almost dead, LXLE developer hates LxQT, building new LXLE based on unsupported LXDE desktop environment will bring a lot of problems.

Has LXLE been discontinued? - LXLE Talk Threads on LXLE forums

I couldn´t find anything relevant on either.

That´s the extent of my knowledge as far as LXLE/LXDE is concerned. :slightly_frowning_face:

Thanks for your info.

Many greetings.
Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you, dear!

Actually, I should have googled myself instead of bothering you.

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Hi @Mina:

No problem at all, Mina. Please don´t worry. :slightly_smiling_face:

The purpose of a forum is to ask questions and (hopefully) get an answer or two.
If every answer was “Google it yourself” then I guess there wouldn´t be any more forums left.

Besides: I was interested myself in ascertaining whether my understanding of the notion of “Bodhi” was correct.

So: you´re very welcome, Mina. :heart:

Have a nice day.
Many greetings.
Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


So @Mina and @Rosika here we are going tweaking crazy under two different systems - you are both familiar with Bodhi but I had to revisit – slipped Linux Format DVD issue 259 February 2020 into the tray and though 32 bit ; as you can see it booted up fine in RAM….

After looking around what at first seems an overly complicated system I could appreciate it a little better than OMG… Quite fast and snappy in my meagre 3G RAM and slow T5800 CPU (and slow HDD.) (Note: DistroWatch review was using i3 and double my RAM).
I concluded that by comparison Trisquel is so simple and easy to use such that you can get productive immediately straight out of the box.
With regard to tweaking my thinking is that these largely unpaid devs spend many man years of time developing each release and present this collective work to look and feel it’s best out of the box – I have huge respect for these guys efforts – so I leave the environment as is. I understand that I am in the minority here but have to admit I tweaked the GrapheneOS to dark mode to extend my phone’s battery duration?

As you can see Trisquel 8 has gnome Mate which comes with the ability to tweak and customise almost anything and if that were not enough you can head on over to….

…… and download a colossal amount of preconfigured themes from usable….
(scroll screen shots left to right to reveal more shots)

…… to the bizarre…. Or should I say groovy, on trend, trending… :shushing_face: :joy:

As @Mina and myself are so inspired by your posts I ventured further to find out and settle a mystery that has been bugging me all year. HP-G60 was 32 bit WinVista :nauseated_face: and is now 64 bit Trisquel…? What…? Turns out that the ancient – hello Akito – T5800 reviewed by experts as being slow even in it’s day, but reliable, can be 32 or 64 bit. Hey it took the old :man_white_haired: fool 12 months to get there :roll_eyes: but in the end I got there thanks to your inspiration – thanks to all at it’sFOSS. :clap:
You can obtain results for your environment from the commands in Terminal :nerd_face:
$ uname -a

HP-G60-Notebook-PC:~$ uname -a
Linux andy-HP-G60-Notebook-PC 4.4.0-197-generic #229+8.0trisquel3 SMP Tue Dec 1 13:00:01 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

HP-G60-Notebook-PC:~$ lscpu
Architecture: x86_64
CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order: Little Endian
CPU(s): 2
On-line CPU(s) list: 0,1
Thread(s) per core: 1
Core(s) per socket: 2
Socket(s): 1
NUMA node(s): 1
Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
CPU family: 6
Model: 15
Model name: Intel(R) Core™2 Duo CPU T5800 @ 2.00GHz

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I love anything that’s Xfce. Currently using Xubuntu and don’t have any complaints about it. It’s as peppy as my old Camaro.


I truly adore the “Candy” icons you showed. They’re very much like the ones I have on my brand new and shiny Garuda Linux.


Hi all,

thanks to all of you for your renewed input. It´s much appreciated.


Thanks for putting so much effort into booting Bodhi. :smiley:
So you have a pretty new version of Bodhi. That´s great.

Funny you say that, Andy. My PC sports 4 GB of RAM but I´ve allocated just 1 GB virtual RAM to Bodhi running in a VM (qemu/kvm), also as 32 bit.
And even with this even more meagre 1 GB it runs quite smoothly without any major hiccups. At amazes me as well how frugal and modest Bodhi turns out to be.

That´s certainly true. That´s my view as well. :+1:

Thanks for those MATE links.
I´ve heard quite a bit about MATE as the presenter of the goinglinux-podcast (Going Linux · Shownotes ) Larry Bushey is a veritable advocate of Ubuntu MATE. As far as I know he´s even the author of two dedicated books on that matter ( ).

Thanks. Good to know. I´ve always used neofetch for some rudimentary info. Among other things system architecture is displayed as well:

OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS x86_64

Many greetings.
Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


thanks for your suggestion.
Good to know xubuntu runs reliably with you.

Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


those icons of yours are truly impressive. Thanks for sharing.

Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


Those are pretty cool.

I’m running Linux Mint 20, XFCE edition not Xubuntu. Although the base might of at one time been Xubuntu? But now it’s Linux Mint after they added their things to it. :rofl:

Hi all,


I´m so sorry. It seems I messed up some messages:
Indeed you said:

whereas @Jamesread

So, James, my comment should be addressed to you instead:
Good to know xubuntu runs reliably with you.

Once again: to the both of you: Sorry for the confusion. :slightly_frowning_face:

Greetings to all.
Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey Rosika et All,

You are rightly asking the correct questions about performance and performance related issues of all these distros. You have no doubt checked out threads on Boot Times and Slow App Loading etc and others on this it’sFOSS Forum where though some evidential numbers have been given such as, my Trisquel boots in 34s etc, much of it seems to be opinion based on brand loyalty or even here as DE loyalty. :grimacing: This basic performance issue I had hoped would have been concluded under my Topic of Light or Heavy – alas no such luck – nor on other threads either. :roll_eyes:
@Akito says…

…and @Mina has done some experiments and now we have lightweight, heavyweight and too lightweight brought into this thread. It’s so cool that I am allowed to disagree here on this forum as I hope to put these performance related issues to bead. Yo! I know I’m doomed to failure but that has never stopped me before :crazy_face: – so here goes…
Can we all agree that my 13 year old HP G60 Intel(R) Core™2 Duo CPU T5800@ 2.00GHz with 3GiB RAM plus HDD is the slowest of the slow here? Okay, let us begin: It has been noted here that I should not be running this or that, combined with this that and the other… consequently I should have low expectations and be using a very lightweight distro and certainly not resource heavy gnome Mate DE … the list goes on!
For the sake of @Rosika quest to find a distro for her more up to date and powerful mini tower I would like to present my case for the defence with factual information that can be understood by the jury – or any casual observer….

……Foul… I hear the cries from the prosecutor and the gallery – Yes; just testing you all – pictures can lie!
As can be seen I have pasted the bottom corner of my screen into the center of the screen, showing the System Load Indicator which I had clicked. It resides there in the panel giving a scrolling graph of what is going on and proves very useful at times. Here is the deception - my HP Trisquel wasn’t doing much other than the indicator when I took the photo. However we can can deduce that the ultra lightweight Fossapup under review had more going on such that its load indicator is recording far more load than my Trisquel.
I shall now be honest with my next picture or screen shot….

I have totally ignored the edicts noted above :crazy_face: and loaded up the old HP with resource hungry items; firstly 1/. to really tax Trisquel I am running a windows application under wine :astonished: – Serif PhotoPlus then 2/. Connect to www with ZTE Modem and fire up browser and load some tabs with some having video content 3/. I now open up a LibreOffice Writer file with 27,000 characters for editing 4/. A spare USB port – plug in my Pixel Phone with GrapheneOS and ready it for transferring files both ways 5/. All running on that supposedly resource hungry Gnome-Mate DE 6/. Now fire up full System Monitor to see it maxed out…! Ground to a standstill…? :sweat_smile:
What…? As all can see my ancient HP with Trisquel isn’t even breaking a sweat… :relaxed: Poor slow ancient CPU running at 12% average and that poor old slow memory running at 27% with the swap at zilch, zero 0%
This is my usual Trisquel MO modus operandi, without phone plugged in and rather than my opinion ALL can see that due to the light load I can do ALL that others have suggested I should not be able to do without running into difficulties. I have the added advantage of a large screen and a good keyboard with number pad and touch pad with scroll bar – cool. Perhaps ALL can see why I don’t have need for my more modern ubuntu-Dell E6420 i7 256GB SSD…? Unlike Rosika who’s needs are a little different; I am looking for an OS to replace ubuntu 16.04 LTS on the Dell which reaches EOL in April. As MX and Mint are heading the the hit parade over at DistroWatch I will probably NOT use them! (A word of warning – if I see a thousand people heading in one direction; I will instinctively choose my own different path – this is why my engineering designs or inventions are so unique and controversial.)
I will certainly have another look at Bodhi for daring to be different and a Debian distro for the toy, Dell – guess all will know that I shall be keeping Trisquel on my lovely old, antiquated, even ancient HP and not upgrading the HDD either.
On the Dell I shall have no qualms whatsoever about using something lightweight like Bodhi as I consider it to be just like Lotus thrashing dumb ass bloated American muscle cars. The British way – what can we remove or modify, change materials and or construction to make it lighter and go faster, more agile too? The dumb ass American way what can we add to go faster….Duh.

I do hope :wink: I have dispelled some of the myths often quoted or pervaded as facts, never mind opinions, here on our forum; so get inspired :yum: and try for yourself the FOSS way! :smiley:


That is one of those niché cases I was talking about. :wink:


If you compare that to the 80’s, this is 33 seconds too long. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Yo! my everyday tool of choice :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: not niché at all - lots of people should be using it instead of getting bloated - you can take a Trisquel Bodhi pill for that consequential flatulence :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: and reach Nirvana :innocent: tonight…! Who you jiving with that Cosmic Debris…? (FZ)

I am the niché case here :crazy_face: hands up :raised_hands: :joy:

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Regardless of fast or slow your system “All computers will wait at the same speed.”

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As ALL can see above (#56) whilst I am working in an application I am not experiencing any practical delay just like being on my technically much faster Dell. So please address the evidence I have provided with a practical example of your own to demonstrate whatever you think I have got wrong or what you need to say. Would be great if we could move on from mere opinions, but all is valid and okay with me. :ok_hand:
As we all know and often reinforced by it’sFOSS staff Linus Torvalds is the guy responsible for what we all know as Linux. WRONG check out these vids by Richard Stallman; so you do not have to read anything, and get to experience tiny ogg-Theora files at the same time! :slightly_smiling_face:

Try the first two very short videos – you all need to know this – where would it’sFOSS be?
Guess which distro Richard uses…… :thinking: