Anyone here heard LED EYE STRAIN?

Wife and I have used RedShift, then QRedShift on various Linux Mint builds for years. I set mine to around 75% day brightness/ 65% night brightness, 4000K day temp/ 3000K night and gamma at around 1.5 and of course night shift is enabled. For me, that has helped with staying asleep at night. Blue light can also play hob with the Circadian rhythm, your sleep cycles not just your eye health.
My wife is blind in one eye and has slightly distorted vision in the other and she has her settings trimmed to her comfort. She does not do well with bright themes and most dark themes are just a bit too dark for her, so she picks one just below the middle.
For driving I keep a set of yellow blue blockers in the car that slip over my glasses. I took to wearing them occasionally at night too and that turned out great one night. It was raining and oncoming headlights, specially those blasted blue and green high intensity ones would have been blinding me. Lightening hit a tree along the road right in front of me. The driver behind me had to stop because he had a light spot in his vision that lasted for around a full minute. I had a spot that blinked away in just a second or two. Those glasses work wonders!!