Apply an image to GNOME overview background

Hello folks! Hope you’re doing fine. I’m Pranav, back after several days :laughing:

I am currently using Arch Linux with GNOME, and I have a question here:
Is it possible to change that gloomy grey background found in GNOME overview?

I searched a lot about this in the internet, and I have found a way to change the background color via a shell theme.

The CSS file

Location: ~/.themes/CustomShellTheme/gnome-shell/gnome-shell.css

#overviewGroup {
	background-color: #2e3436;

My requirement is to apply an image instead of color. I tried changing background-color to background-image but it failed. Your help will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Pranav Krishna :slight_smile:

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Whithout actually knowing, and being able to try, so just a shot in the dark:
try to keep background color, and add background image, but with a full absolute path to the image maybe?
Something like:
#overviewGroup {
background-color: #2e3436;
background-image: url("/whatever/path/to/image.png");


I actually tried it, but didn’t work at all… 6

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