ATV streaming addresses

Hi all, :wave:

does anybody of you follow ATV streams?

That´s the TV part of HAM radio transmissions.
Ham radio operators may not only engage in the exchange of the spoken word but in “amateur TV” as well. :wink:

Some of those transmissions are accessible via internet.

I used to tune in from time to time in the past but not so much at present. Still: it´s a pretty interesting subject.
So I took a look at my old logs:

These are the streams that used to work. Most of them still do, but not all of them, I guess:

cat playlist.m3u 

Some examples:

These are from Germany, but I´d like to know if anyone of you (perhaps a HAM operator) knows of streaming addresses from other parts of the world.

Might be interesting to collect them here.

Many greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


First time i have come across this, do you need one of the sets you showed to receive ?
Do you record with same device ?
Is it regulated like tv normal?
International or just local ?
Like radio ham over what distance

All new field for me.

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Hi Rosika,

I looked at one of the sites.
It seems you can either receive a stream (M3U) or
download a file (.XSPF )
I dont have an M3U player.
I dont know what to do with a .xspf file. Apparently it contains instructions to tell a player where to get a stream from?
Sorry I am multimedia ignorant


I just tried that URL in the shell using mpv


So - it returns something - not sure what I’m supposed to see here…

(above CLI is nearly exactly the syntax I use to play the FreeToAir TV stream coming over the airwaves to my Pi3 running TVHeadend :

case $OS in
		/usr/bin/mpv --no-border --mute=yes http://$HOHO:9981/playlist/channels &

($HOHO is a $VAR of the IP address [internal LAN only!] of my Pi3)


I got something with this one

It does not seem to do anything. Picture is static.


Hi all, :wave:

thanks a lot for your replies. :heart: :

Hmm, not sure what you mean by “sets”. :thinking:

Perhaps you´re referring to the GUI of the player I used in order to provide the 3 examples :question:
That´s just my vlc player with a different skin. :wink:

Of course you can use e.g. mpv, like @daniel.m.tripp suggested.
As a matter of fact I often use mpv for things like that.

Actually I don´t record anything. From time to time (my data allowance permitting) I tune in to see if there´s anything elese that a static picture.

It should be international.

As far as I know there are the so-called “ITU Radio Regulations” which apply.
I guess it´s as regulated as the rest of HAM radio is.

From wikipedia:

The 70-centimeter band (420-450 MHz) is the most commonly used ham band for ATV. Signals transmitted on this band usually propagate longer distances than on higher frequency bands,[…]
The distance record for ATV is between Hawaii and California (2,518 miles) on 434 MHz

I guess it should be pretty local in most cases.

As far as the definition of ATV is concerned I may refer to wikipedia once again:

Amateur television (ATV) is the transmission of broadcast quality video and audio over the wide range of frequencies of radio waves allocated for radio amateur (Ham) use.[1] ATV is used for non-commercial experimentation, pleasure, and public service events.

@nevj :

Thanks Neville.
Do you mean you fed the URL to some player? Or are you referring to a website?

I don´t understand the download part. :thinking:
Normally it´s a live stream and all you´d need is the URL of it.

Me neither. Let´s not follow that path. A URL is all you need.

Yes, that´s very often the case.

According to Fox51 - DATV (just as an example) ATV transmissions for this one should be available during these times:


Monday - Friday from 08:00 via DB0DAN , ATV - round (repeated at 11:00 and 22:00 o’clock )

Always on Sundays from 10:30 am via DB0TVH , Niedersachsen - Rundspruch

Always on Mondays from 7:30 pm (soon during holidays ) via DB0QI , ATV - Magazin

So there´s no 24h broadcasting. :wink:

I found another collection of stream addresses here:
Amateurfunk Livestreams - Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik an der RPTU .

But that´s for German ATV again.

@daniel.m.tripp :

I use mpv in most cases myself. Nothing beats it when you have a terminal open anyway.
As my default shell is fish it´s super easy to access the correct URL. A keyword is enough.


My original question was aiming at whether anyone of you might have some information about streaming URLs that pointed to anything else than just German ATV.

I was doing quite a bit of research on the net but couldn´t find anything but German streams.

For reception any player which is able to handle streaming addresses should suffice. :wink:

Thanks a lot for your answers.
Actually I didn´t think I would get a lot of responses. Just gave it a shot.

Many greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


I did find this

and I am not sure if this is relevant

it points to this
which seems to actually have some links
Good luck with your search


Hi Neville, :wave:

thanks so much for the research you did on my behalf. :heart:

Those are some interesting pages you came up with.
Alas I haven´t found a list of streming addresses so far.

The only thing that comes close is: Streamer – British Amateur Television Club .

Clicking on e.g. Streamer – British Amateur Television Club, which points to “VK3RTV-2 Melb ATV Group”, leads me to a new page where the stream seems to be embedded in the webpage itself.

Alas it cannot be used for direct feeding into vlc, mpv or the like.

Still: thanks a lot, Neville.

Many greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


Go to
and choose
are they not streams for vlc etc?


@nevj :

Thanks, Neville, for the suggestion.

But that´s what I was just talking about in my previous post.

The links on the “Streamer” site re-direct me to the respective streaming pages, where the stream seems to be embedded in the webpage itself…

Hang on, I think I could get it working :wink: :

The site, Streamer – British Amateur Television Club which I arrived at, further down mentions:

Run VLC and press CNTL-N to “play” this video source: rtmp:// . Follow with selecting PLAY. Streaming delays under VLC should be 7-10 seconds.

That´s the info I was acutually looking for.
It works. :+1:

There´s no transmission at the moment but you can clearly see the connection is established.

Although there seems to be no comprehensive list of URL streams available one should still be able to compile such list yourself by following the links.

Thanks so much, Neville. :heart:

Many greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


Amazing. I know nothing about streaming.
You may get some better links from someone else.


@nevj :

Thanks again, Neville.

I just checked all the data available.

It turned out that not every source Streamer – British Amateur Television Club mentions provides the info needed.

From the 18 sources there were just 4 which provided a streaming URL for their ATV transmissions.

I couldn´t get the last two working.
The first one has no tranmissions at the moment.
The second one was successful though:

Thanks so much, Neville.

Cheers from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry i was not clear in my questions, i know nothing about the technology but the set top box you shouw, jvc is that the only way of vetting the images to show or connect.
I had imagined HAM had died after cb radio went a similar way, but first time anyone has mentioned tv instead of radio.

The one who perhaps knows more on this subject is jorge as he works in the media


It would seem that people link into these streaming sites, then use HAM radio to transmit it.
Is that the way you read it?


Think so…
I never got into cb radio but understand the technology behind it.

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@Rosika alreaady answered that - it’s just a skin on plain old VLC :smiley:

“rtmp” streaming sounds very similar to “rtsp” which is what I use to view the live streams from my TP-Link IP cameras…

/usr/bin/mpv --no-border --screen=1 --geometry=$DIMENS+$HORIGIN+$SIXIXIX --mute=yes rtsp://$UZER:$PSWD@$CAM1:554/live/$STREAM1 > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown

Not that I ever used it - but I’m pretty sure amateur HAM radio is still flourishing amongst enthusiasts across the globe…


Hi again, :wave: :

Yes, it´s just vlc. You´d arrive at the same results using mpv.

As far as I know HAM radio (Amateur radio) is alive and kicking.

Wikipeda seems to offer a comprehensive article about it.
But you have to learn the theory behind it and take exams in order to become a licensed Amateur radio operator. Plus: you´re assigned a unique call-sign.

That´s in contrast to CB radio.

BTW: on the receiving side end of HAM radio transmissions the situation is much more relaxed: Anyone is allowed to follow HAM transmissions. :wink:

@nevj :

The URLs I was looking for should work this way:

The ATV transmissions, which are sent out by radio amateurs locally (via terrestrial transmissions) are transmitted in parallel via sreaming URLs on the internet, so that anyone could follow them.

That´s the way I understand it.

@daniel.m.tripp :

Thanks for mentioning it, Dan.
I´ve never come across “rtsp” so far. Seems to be a new subject for to me.


Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)

according to Real-Time Streaming Protocol - Wikipedia.
One never stops learning. :wink:

Yes, that´s perfectly right. :+1:

Many greetings to you all.

Rosika :slightly_smiling_face: