Best Web Browser for Linux Users In 2019

I had looked into that in the past but because of legal concerns I couldnt. Since Im not traveling now I might consider it again. I was reading about one of the linux variants for phones recently too.

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Are you traveling to China? :smiley:

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I have and did but not with that.


So have I. However, I do need three apps to make the switch:

  • WhatsApp (yes, shame on me) to stay in touch with friends and family abroad
  • UBS access app for accessing online banking
  • SBB (Swiss Federal Railways) App for buying all public transport tickets in this country

Once, these exist, I’m ditching Android for sure.


I dont know about the apps but this is what we do:

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This is not the same. The SwissPass enables you to use the app properly. The app in itself is excellent and extremely useful, covering every train, bus, tram, boat and funicular even in the remotest alpine village with connections, reservations, live travel updates and through-fare tickets independent of the actual transport company.

Sorry! I went completely off-topic…

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You can run all these on slim custom ROMs that have set SELinux to enforcing. This means, you can run all the banking apps, etc. you want, without issues. These custom ROMs are of course still based on Android, but it is the slimmest and free-est Android that is currently possible, without having to sacrifice any every-day crap. And since Android is more or less based a littlebit on Linux, you can even use some Linux commands in its console.

Thanks a lot! :kiss:
I had no idea. I shall read about that around the holidays.

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@Mina - secure sandboxed apps should be ok for you :slightly_smiling_face:
Hey ALL are we drifting off topic Linux Users and getting into the Phone Web Browser?
For my two cents Abrowser for Linux Users – a Ffox replicant with the Cr4p stripped out.
I thought the big issues were, as ever, with goolag and it’s Chrome as “Chrome doesn’t provide details of which websites and web services respect Do Not Track requests and how websites interpret them.” Amongst many, many other goolag issues.
However there is hope for Pixel phone (Titan chip with :nerd_face: Arm Cortex-M3 microprocessor core) users like myself who can not only upgrade to open source (FOSS) AOSP Android-11 and all the latest security patches but also flash extra security and privacy ROM GrapheneOS endorsed by Edward Snowden, where you get Vanadium browser, the security hardened Chromium as the browser along with regular updates. :smiley: (check out OMERTA phones)
Bought my used Pixel from Ebay – very reasonable for A1 condition smartphone. :wink:


That’s probably the case. I have a Nokia 5.1 with 3GB RAM.
It’s not new, and when it was, still then was a near low-end device.
I don’t hate Firefox at all, in fact I love it. That’s why I’m really sorry, that the recent updates turned it into something I can’t live with. But on computers I still prefer Firefox (ESR).


ok… this is a browser thread and we moved to custom roms…

I was reading an article about a linux variant that works with Samsung S9 – I thought it was an article I got off itsfoss but Ive lost it. I went thru my browser history buts its extensive - even for just a few days - and Im not finding what Im looking for with search.

What custom roms you guys using?

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I started using Brave a year or two ago. I still like FireFox better but I easily earn $5 a month using Brave for every day things.

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/e/ is what I was looking for :slight_smile:

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FF I use on all my devices — I like the follow-me feature with all my data.

Though, it’s not recommended to use this operating system, as pointed out many times in this and their forum.

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I had not researched it yet… but from the developer I just spoke with who works there… yea, I think Ill hold off. She is a awesome gal for telling me that. Ill look into those threads too Akito.

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Hi @wadesmart try searching for WARNING-1 and WARNING-2 on this forum - a bit long winded but if you value your privacy and security…? :eye:
Having returned preinstalled S7 to ecorp eFoundation :face_vomiting: I bought a Pixel from ebay and after updating AOSP v10 along with latest security patches, I flashed the custom ROM GrapheneOS which is such a relief with entirely different approach as you will see in second WARNING-2.
Also Fairphone has it’s own warnings - not sure if some of the counter Fanboy posters are /e/ sockpuppets …? :supervillain:

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I read that whole thread on /e/ and on /e/ forums too.

I’ll look into Graphene. Thanks

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Stick with Vivaldi (chromium based) browser, which is highly customisable, or Brave browser (blocks ads and trackers indigenously)


Everyone ditch Linux away, and sometimes forget that there’s something called Linux. This is something which shouldn’t be done. One day Linux will dominate every field.

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