Bricked ARM SBS - doh! F-Secure USB Armory Mk II

OK - fired up my USB Amory MkII this morning…

Still working - presents an abstracted onboard mounted IMG file as a thumb drive to the USB host… It boots Debian Buster off an SD-Card, and there’s a folder on that SD-Card with an IMG file that it shares to the USB host…

DHCP server presents to my Linux desktop (Pop!) and it gets an IP address… Sweet… Sorted tweaked my ethernet NICs to allow internet sharing, setup IPTables :

sudo /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o enx1a5589a26942 -j MASQUERADE
echo 1 > sudo tee -a /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Perfect - setup git and zsh, got oh-my-zsh working, installed ResilioSync and got it syncing my main (tiny) share with shell scripts and config files and SSH keys… Sweet!

But was I happy? No - so I proceeded to try and get it using the on-board 16 GB EMMC… That was my mistake… it WASN’T BROKEN but I went ahead and broke it anyway… Tried a bunch of things - it came with a USB C adapter that can run as a UART - but I never see a new /dev/tty* device…

Piece of crap - only shows up in lsusb :
Bus 002 Device 009: ID 15a2:0080 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. i.MX 6ULL SystemOnChip in RecoveryMode

and their doco makes no mention of “RecoveryMode”

anyway - apparently their support forum is a Google Groups “group” - yeah where SIGs (special interest groups) go to die…