Bruce Perens, co-founder of Open Source Initiative, is working on a new "Post Open" license

Bruce Perens is one the founders of the OSI and one of the co-authors of the Open Source Definition. He has been working on what he calls the “Post Open Zero Cost” license, which he hopes when it is complete will help open source projects that are being used by coporations be compensated for their use.

We have seen this problem recently with overworker maintainers essentially working for free or very little compensation even though their software is used by a lot of corporations. For example, the original maintainer for xz maybe would not have given up the original project if he could’ve devoted his full attention to it.

I will be curious to see exactly what this license looks like when it is finished. He says that it is intended to supplement existing open source licenses, but I imagine it will be incompatible with many of them. @Federico