Change an install from dual boot to single boot LM

Absolutely. And I must say that PopOS (the original distro I tried…lol) is awarded the “best tablet distro” so as much as work as this was, I learned a LOT (and wrote it down in my Linux notebook) and the result is pure pleasure with this tablet on Linux.

Thanks so much for all your help.


Everyone should take note of this. You must keep a notebook.


That is a completely untrue statement!!! Windows and Linux are different, and just really do not like each other, and Apple only likes themselves. If you had pulled the Windows drive and installed a new drive, their would have been no problem and you would have had a Windows OS to fall back on.


It’s true in the way they want to limit what you can do and want you to use their products; each attempt to install a non MS approved app in W11 gets you that “I saved you from harming your computer” message. Well of course if you put in a brand new drive you could put anything on it. But because it already had W11 on it, thus the unlocking. I had to go on line, log in to my MS account and get some “keys” I never even knew about in order to get back into windows the first time I booted into Linux and back. Never have to do that in Linux.



For what purpose?


@kovacslt Exactly. Considering operating a brand new laptop with W11 and no apps open the RAM usage was 70% of 16 gb and Linux uses 14%, Windows is NOT a fallback option.



Will not go their!!!

Even though I am a Mac user - Apple is even worse than Microsoft when it comes to things like this (unless I’m doing an install of some UNIX/GNU tool using Brew in a terminal)… I sometimes feel like pulling what little hair I have left out when Apple / MacOS won’t let me run some perfectly harmless app I’ve downloaded from the intertubes… But - for the VAST majority of Apple users, that’s probably an appropriate response!