Absolutely. And I must say that PopOS (the original distro I tried…lol) is awarded the “best tablet distro” so as much as work as this was, I learned a LOT (and wrote it down in my Linux notebook) and the result is pure pleasure with this tablet on Linux.
That is a completely untrue statement!!! Windows and Linux are different, and just really do not like each other, and Apple only likes themselves. If you had pulled the Windows drive and installed a new drive, their would have been no problem and you would have had a Windows OS to fall back on.
It’s true in the way they want to limit what you can do and want you to use their products; each attempt to install a non MS approved app in W11 gets you that “I saved you from harming your computer” message. Well of course if you put in a brand new drive you could put anything on it. But because it already had W11 on it, thus the unlocking. I had to go on line, log in to my MS account and get some “keys” I never even knew about in order to get back into windows the first time I booted into Linux and back. Never have to do that in Linux.
@kovacslt Exactly. Considering operating a brand new laptop with W11 and no apps open the RAM usage was 70% of 16 gb and Linux uses 14%, Windows is NOT a fallback option.
Even though I am a Mac user - Apple is even worse than Microsoft when it comes to things like this (unless I’m doing an install of some UNIX/GNU tool using Brew in a terminal)… I sometimes feel like pulling what little hair I have left out when Apple / MacOS won’t let me run some perfectly harmless app I’ve downloaded from the intertubes… But - for the VAST majority of Apple users, that’s probably an appropriate response!