ChatGPT experiences

Hi all, :wave:

as ChatGPT has been in the news lately I thought I might give it a try. :blush:

On there´s a pretty good introduction to the topic.

I remembered I still have an active microsoft account dating from years ago which I needed for the creation of an outlook e-mail account.

So I didn´t even have to create a dedicated openai account as I can also log in with my microsoft account. :smiling_face:
A google account can also be used it seems.

So I gave it a try with a pretty straightforward question:

“Why is Lubuntu supported for just 3 years?”

Here´s the conversation, in case some might be interested what the chatbot had to say:

Why is Lubuntu supported for just 3 years?

Lubuntu is a lightweight and fast operating system based on Ubuntu, designed to run on older or less powerful hardware. Lubuntu is a community-supported project and its
support period is determined by the upstream support for the version of Ubuntu it is based on.

Ubuntu LTS (Long Term Support) releases, which are typically released every two years, receive 5 years of support, while non-LTS releases receive 9 months
of support. Lubuntu, being a derivative of Ubuntu, follows the same support cycle. This means that Lubuntu based on an LTS release
will receive 3 years of support, while Lubuntu based on a non-LTS release will receive 9 months of support.

Thanks. You helped me a lot. That´ll be all for today. Good-bye.

You’re welcome! It was my pleasure to assist you. If you have any other questions in the future, don’t hesitate to ask. Goodbye and have a great day!

Well, the answer might not be exhaustive but it still offers some starting points for further investigation in case someone isn´t completely satisfied with what the chatbot came up with. :+1:

Plus: ChatGPT seems to be friendly indeed. :wink:

Many greetings
Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


I logged in and asked a ? about Gentoo, and all the answer’s were of
no use at all. It was user friendly, and it could give Google Search a run for the money. Most likely will use it again.


I’m still stumped by the answer. If Lubuntu is based on Ubuntu and LTS receives 5 years support, then why doesn’t Lubuntu get the same 5 years support? Did I miss something?

I signed up for the waiting list to use the Bing AI chat bot and was accepted in a few days. Maybe I’ll ask it the same question.

Here is what the Bing AI chat bot said:

Hello, this is Bing. Lubuntu is a flavor of Ubuntu that uses a lightweight desktop environment called LXQt. Lubuntu’s unique packages only come with 3 years of support for LTS releases because it is developed by volunteers who have limited resources. The packages that are shared with Ubuntu will still receive upgrades for a further two years. Do you want to know more about Lubuntu or Ubuntu?

It also gave reference links with the source for its answers. Nice.


On this general subject, here’s an article that I found fascinating. I hope the link lets you read it:

The author is also an award winning science fiction author.


According to Wikipedia, you did not miss a thing. I was surprised that a distro based on Ubuntu LTS was not supported for 5 years.

From Wikipedia;
“22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish 2022-04-21 April 2025 Current LTS version”

Release date was 4-21-22 and supported until April 2025.




Honestly, it’s too much hyped up. I have access to latest ‘fast’ model and it’s utter garbage even for tasks like creating basic python functions. Most of the time, it’s code is sub-standard and full or errors. It’s a trained model, what else to say… It’s not “Intelligent” by any means. I mean it may seem intelliogent to people who have shit level of knowledge, but for me I would rather prefer Linux Torvalds next to me than this bs that wasted my entire day fixing it’s own answer for a damn easy python function whose answer is there on stackoverflow at the 3rd comment… fking bs right now for professional coding or anything for that matter.

Overhyped. If it improves drastically, then better that I save my damn time and imagine good complex solutions to complex app issues without having to go over even goddamn link for solutions. Like it’s not even good at optimizing current code which OpenAI says it’s helping devs do… Fking broke my perfectly working code by introducing typos. However I appreciate that it ‘does’ optimize code upto an extent by replacing function calls and fixing noob level garbage code. So hats off, I love ChatGPT. Helping me fasten my own development and honestly I’ve learned about some stuff using it which I would have to read books for. It’s explanations on function calls, WinAPI, python hooks etc… coding related is good aggregate knowledge from official documentation of those API’s, so it’s a big timesaver for us all.

BTW, such solutions will help fasten FOSS development because I’m already fixing and adding new features to my own FOSS tools. It’s like a better search engine, nothing more or less. It’s user-customized and optimized search engine. That’s the intelligent part. We can either use it to improve FOSS or sit back in “me no like AI” type of bs mentality and suffer another Ubuntu LOL.

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It can make some people extremely lazier.
While making full use of Dumbing them down.


I feel you. Python did that to C++ devs :stuck_out_tongue: But atleast we have Rust’s utterly complex syntax now lol

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I used the ChatGPT AI to create website content for specific businesses and it came up useful paragraphs. I used them with a few edits because I didn’t tell ChatGPT AI the name of the businesses.


I’ve read political articles written by a journalist based on chats with that robot.
Those answers made me remember of fortune tellers from Delphoi, which you can understand at least 2 (contradictive) ways.

Anyway, I find this chatgpt interesting, exciting, but also scary at the same time.
(Is Skynet arriving soon? :wink: )

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Hi all, :wave:

wow, I hadn´t expected such a wealth of replies. Thanks so much to all of you. :heart:

@4dandl4 :

Thanks, Daniel, for your opinion.


Two years ago I discussed it on ubuntuusers:

Ubuntu and the other derivatives all use the same package sources.
The only difference: Servers and Ubuntu normal use only packages from the main and restricted branches (if you install them) that are supported by Canonical for 5 years.

All other derivatives include packages from universe.
So if you use Ubuntu and do not install a single package from universe or multiverse, you have 5 years of support.
Otherwise only 3 years.In servers, universe and multiverse are not active by default, but in normal Ubuntu it is.

[…] Yes, and in all flavors, the desktop environment comes from universe, which is why support ends after three years

(source: ubuntuusers_forum ; translation via “TranslateLocally for Firefox” add-on)

Interesting, I might do that as well, just to see the difference. :blush:

Thanks for your efforts.

@don.karon :

Thanks for the link. I´ll look into it. :+1:

@easyt50 :

Hi Howard,

perhaps the explanations given to me (see above) might help.
So the five years are for ubuntu proper, not the (official) derivatives…

@artytux :

That may very well be. Point taken. Thanks.


Thanks a lot for your opinion.

Uh, that seem unfortunate indeed. Sorry to hear that.

O.K., that sounds good. :+1:

@TrekJunky :

Thanks for letting us know about your success.

@kovacslt :

Thanks to you as well.

Yes, I agree. That´s a good way of looking at it. :blush:

Many thanks to all you. It´s been a very interesting discussion.
Many greetings
Rosika :slightly_smiling_face: