Chimera Linux in virt-manager with Plasma | Wayland | APK | Clang/LLVM | musl | dinit | BSD core tools

Hi Neville, :wave:

IĀ“d like to congratulate you on your acievement. :+1: :sparkler:

Iā€™m lost for words to adequately express my admiration for what you did.
The approach to a project like this is hugely professional, to say the least.

Thanks so much for introducing us to Chimera Linux in such an overwhelmingly descriptive manner.
It clearly shows that you put a lot of time and effort into getting to the bottom of things. :medal_sports: medal

IĀ“m immensely impressed.

Many greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Howard,
I did it for years, but with BSDā€¦ mainly because there was noone else to do it.
My main activity was programmingā€¦ all my research work required software that you could not get off the shelf. Research is like farmingā€¦ you have to be a jack-of-all-tradesā€¦ there is noone to do it for you.

I will repeat my quote to Bill

ā€œThe Linux ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.ā€

with apologies to Chesterton



Hi Rosika,
Thank you for your kind words,
I feel it would have been better written if you had been involved. You have all the skills of composition.
Lets hope we can try another joint effort some day.

Did you see the ā€œTools for posting in Linuxā€ topic?
You might like to try that.


I am not surprised that you use to be an Adminstrator. I believe there are a few regulars on the forum that are Linux Admins.


Chimera container image

I tested the chimera container image which is available on docker hub as chimeralinux/chimera

So it loads the image OK
I can run the container with

You get a shell prompt saying that you are in chimera-box container

You get out with exit

Lets have a look at its size. My distrobox uses docker ( not podman) so I can look with

So Chimera is 18 Mb, twice the size of Alpine (7.7Mb) , but way smaller than full Debian .

So Chimera may be a useful container image.

Epilogue :slight_smile:
That worked initially, but on second try distrobox enter chimera-box fails with a message saying it can not find packages to be added by apk. ?


Hi Neville, :wave:

Uh, uh. I very much doubt that. But thank you for the praise. :heart:
I feel very honoured indeed.

I canĀ“t say I have.
I wasnĀ“t online yesterday all day long. So I have quite some catching up to do.
IĀ“ll take a look at it. Thanks for mentioning it.

Many greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


The warning about a long read in the newsletter was justified, but I enjoyed every minute. I decided to get Chimera, and install it in a virtual machine using virt-manager. I already knew to set the firmware-type to UEFI when I created the VM (Iā€™ve made that mistake before).

I was able to follow your installation steps (reading ahead with each step in case you ran into trouble, so I could use your solution to avoid doing the same thing). I now have a usable chimera VM with the Plasma DE. I like it a lot, and youā€™re right, it boots and shuts down very fast (in a matter of seconds). My next steps will probably be to read the chimera documentation so I can learn as much about the distro as possible. I really like projects that find and follow their own path. It looks to me as if Chimera is such a project. Iā€™ll follow it with interest.



Hi Ernie,
Good on you. I was hoping someone would give it a try.
It may not boot quite as fast in a hard install ā€¦ I have not tried that yet.

I like virt-manager. It seems to work well in Linux.
It was my mistake not setting UEFI in the VM before I installed

Yeah. There is some new initiative in Chimera. Mixes like that may be the way of the future. Why not combine all the best tools?

The Chimera documentation is excellent. That is unusual for a new distroā€¦ these people have their priorities right.

Lets see what you can do with it. I feel confident I could use it for daily work.
I will be interested to hear how you react to the ā€˜apkā€™ package manager. It seemed to work for me. They may not have all the packages you would want in their repo.
Remember, that was a beta. It has not had a proper release yet.



I like my Garuda GNU/Linux, so Iā€™m not so sure that Iā€™ll be making any distro-changes any time soon, but who knows? When Chimera matures a bit, I could change my mind.

So far, it seems as good as or better than apt. Command-line package managers are where I tend to go when I need to install any software. Theyā€™re faster, and more direct than using the GUI apps. I donā€™t have to wait for it to load. I just call it with a command, and let it do what I told it to do. Iā€™ll be interested in learning a bit more about it too.

I understand that. For a beta release, Chimera seems very complete and stable. That impressed me immediately,


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Me tooā€¦ I like my MX and Void. Chimera is too new
Who knows what the future Linuxes will be? It is nice to keep an open mind.


Agreed. Iā€™ve landed on other distributions before, thinking itā€™ll be to one for me, but then I find another that better fits me. To be honest, when Chimera becomes more mature, it may have the potential to become my next distro, but I suppose Iā€™ll have to wait and see where the dev team takes it next.
