Is there a software that can combine two A5 portrait pdf file to make a landscape A4 pdf file?
Hello @danimunte! Welcome to this forum!
You might want to try pdfarranger
There is also pdf-mix-tool
Both should do what you want.
If you prefer a command line tool, pdftk
should be your friend.
Thank you for this Answer. This does not solve my problem. In fact, I have two portrait A5 pdf pages and need to put both side by side to make a landscape A4 pdf page. Do you know a free software for this job?
Don’t know for sure if this is what you want , but can you “open with” libreoffice (or whichever), copy, paste or move to get to A4 then export as pdf
I agree with 0bill0.
This can be achieved through LibereOffice Writer.
Open blank A4 size document and set to Landscape mode. Insert two columns and one row. This will equally split the page into two. Go to the first cell and Insert - Image - select first pdf file and repeat in the second cell for second pdf. Now export or print to file (pdf) and ensure that all pages are selected and page size is set to A4 in Landscape mode. Hope this solves your issue.