Command for using lxterminal with certain parameters

So cool: I always keep learning new things - after almost 30 years with Unix/Linux.


Hi @Mina, :wave:

thanks so much for the clarification. That´s really cool. :+1:

I see.
Thank you so much for teaching me some new things (new to me at least :blush:).

I´ll probably make extended use of Ctrl-Z and fg un the future.

Many greetings.
Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


My friend lives pretty far away from me.
Had I been able to ssh into my friend´s laptop I could´ve helped her perform a clonezilla backup of her system (disk-backup).

In this case I would´ve been able to make good use of the screen command:

  • I log in via SSH, start screen and after that the desired programme (“sudo clonezilla” in this case).

  • Then I may call up the detach command and can log off if I want to.

  • However, the program (clonezilla) continues to work in the background and I can resume the session with the program when I decide to I log in again

So there wouldn´t have been the need to be constantly connected to her clonezilla live system for the duration of her backup. :wink:

I once discussed it here:

Many greetings.
Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:

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