Consider to create post about Web Browsers available only on Linux

Hello friends

Just some days ago I watch on Youtube a video in Spanish about Midori and just fews days ago was published

Thanks for this

  • Could you consider in create a post about all the web browser available only on Linux? it including the advantages/disvantages

Thanks for your understanding.

We have a similar article to what you have suggested.


Thanks, practically the 95% are multi platform. In PeppermintOS appears other options. Furthermore exists Maxthon and SeaMonkey (not sure if they are available for Linux) …

I am interested to know the lightweight options

Thanks for your understanding.

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Lightweight browsers is a difficult area.
The lighter browsers tend to be out of date and not work well
with modern version of html.
The lightest is Dillo… you will find it very limited… for example it has no inbuilt search engine… you have to go to the google URL. It will not display itsFOSS forum page properly. It used to work well 20 years ago… that is the problem, not updated to suit modern internet.


Thanks for the feedback … interesting the situation.

Hello @abhishek pls, could you consider in move this thread to Feedback - It's FOSS Community? I can’t do this. Pls let me know if you are not the correct person to request this and indicate me the account for future requests and avoid to bother you.

Thanks for your understanding

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Lightweight? You wan’t lightweight?


  1. Links
  2. Lynx
  3. w3m
  4. and “surf”

Not sure if they’re “Linux Only”… The first three I think can also run on Windows with some tweaking - and probably work fine in WSL (Windows Services for Linux) - note also - the first three are “terminal” web browsers - so on Windows, you’d run it in a CMD shell session. Surf runs in your GUI - but I don’t think it has any “modern” features like tabs…

also - most stuff that’s Linux “only” is probably also easy enough to do on MacOS.

WikiPedia is quite good at doing lists of stuff :

And in Espanol : (I assume your mother tongue / first language) :

there’s not many on that list that are “ONLY” Linux browsers - why this criteria? Does it matter if it’s available on other platforms?

Just about the ONLY one I can think of that was Linux only, is now discontinued : Ice-Weasel, which was from Debian, and is just Firefox really (Debian have gone back to default Firefox now).


Also Dillo.


Thanks to both for the replies

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I think it’s time for a updated look at web browsers for Linux especially maybe check out some of privacy focused ones such as LibreWolf

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I did have a look at Waterfox some time ago. It has new owners.
I even got as far as setting it up in a docker container… then discovered it was far easier and more secure to use it in firejail.
Same applies to any browser… you can enhance its security with firejail.