Debian is, to put it bluntly: a pain in the ass!

:grin: :laughing: :upside_down_face: :crazy_face:

I do run Debian, where it’s the best answer, e.g. Raspbian Buster… but getting rarer in my environment these days, I used to have at least 4 instances running at home, but now only two, both via Raspbian, Buster arm64 on Pi4, and Stretch armhf on a Pi3…

Mostly - I’m just lazy, so I do whatever’s the least path of resistance… Mac’s easy, until it gets too hard, then it’s downright overly complex and a real PITA… Ubuntu’s easier to use than a Mac IMHO - and both are exponentially easier (for me) to use than anything from Microsoft…

I know how to get past that annoyance with Debian where it won’t connect to WiFi 'cause the drivers for your WiFi chipset have proprietary blobs in them… But I don’t care about that stuff, I aint no OSS Warrior like :

I’m perfectly happy to use non-Free proprietary shit to get things done…

That’s probably a minor annoyance for Debian on x86, but as previously stated, I’m a lazy SOB (I’m not really a SOB and its my mum’s birthday today - happy 84th Mama! She aint no bitch) - so not having WiFi on installation is usually a showstopper for me, and I’ll switch to Ubuntu…