Desktop freeze after screen flickers

Ive been watching this morning for the past few hours.

Im at 15.7gb ram right now but cores cpu cores are very low. On this computer it could be the number of tabs I keep open but on the laptop - its only one to maybe five tabs.

Im posting …

I just was chatting in another forum and cpu is normally what people see - which I see once an hour - it just pikes up and then goes back to normal - but then again I too like several of the people talking about that issue have many tabs open.

Ill do some more reading on this. Thanks

Is there a snap/flatpak/appimage version of Vivaldi that would isolate it more? It might work better for you in that it wouldn’t be as likely to affect the rest of your system.

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Lots of talk in their forums since 2015 about the snaps and some flatpack in the last four years but it doesnt seem to be anything they are looking at.

After going all in on V Im not so quick to move away so - def Ill keep looking for some options.

Try running it inside firejail.