Displaying changing content from script in a popup window?

Beautiful. Marvelous! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


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As far as scripting languages are concerned, Python is the one (as much as I despise the hype around it).

I will still continue to use Perl for personal use, as no other language makes development of small-medium sized tasks so easy.

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I can only agree to @Akito’s suggestion:

VS Code (despite being from Microsoft) is fantastic.

I personally use it a lot. However, I also use kate from

because … I like what I know.

Wat der Bur net kennt, dat fret er net.


Hi @Mina, :wave:

Thanks for your suggestion. :hearts:
I´ll look into it.

With so many programming languages around (and no experience except with bash scripting) it´s hard to come to a good decision on one´s own. So your advice is greatly appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:

I see. Thanks for your tip.

Taking up @Akito ´s recommendation I installed the Libre version of VS Code yesterday in my VM.
Yet I´ll also have a look at kate. Thanks so much.

Many greetings.
Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Mina and @Akito:

Hi again, :wave:

just want to let you know I got kate running as well.

I´ve currently got two VMs: Debian10 Buster (64bit) and BodhiLinux (32bit).

As I successfully managed to get the Libre version of VS Code running on Debian I now gave kate a try on Bodhi. :blush:

Next thing was to get nim support for kate.

firejail wget "https://github.com/PhilipWitte/NimKate/archive/refs/heads/master.zip"

I got hold of the packages I needed.

unzip master.zip gave me access to nimrod.xml and nimrod.js.

That was okay but in contrast to the instructions on GitHub - PhilipWitte/NimKate: Nimrod programming language support for Kate text editor.
my katepart5 folder was not in ~/.local/share but in /usr/share/. :wink:

Never mind. So I chose that location for “installation”.

Still had to create sudo mkdir /usr/share/katepart5/syntax/ and
sudo mkdir /usr/share/katepart5/script/indentation/ first in order to put the xml file and the js file into them

But now it works :+1: :

As far as choosenim is concerned it doesn´t work on a 32bit system.
But I still got nim installed :

Unix installation - Nim Programming Language” provides a 32-installation. :slightly_smiling_face:

firejail wget "https://nim-lang.org/download/nim-1.4.8-linux_x32.tar.xz"

Then - after unpacking the tarball - I installed it to /opt:
sudo sh install.sh /opt. It worked:

/opt/nim/bin/nim -v
Nim Compiler Version 1.4.8 [Linux: i386]
Compiled at 2021-05-25
Copyright (c) 2006-2021 by Andreas Rumpf

git hash: 44e653a9314e1b8503f0fa4a8a34c3380b26fff3
active boot switches: -d:release

Success! :smiley:

So to sum up: both @Akito ´s and @Mina ´s soultions work perfectly. That´s really great.

Thank you very much to both of you. :hearts:

Many greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


If there were a price for the most graceful and friendliest forum member, it surely would be yours, @Rosika!


Hi @Mina, :wave:

Thank you so much for the compliment; that´s very nice of you. :hearts:

Yet I don´t consider myself to be exceptionally friendly (more or less “normal”, I hope).
I see it like that:

All you kind people really do put a lot of time and energy in helping others, not to mention your phantastic skills and knowledge. :+1:

So the least I can do is give some sort of feedback of how things worked out. :blush:

Plus: you all are very friendly as well. :kissing:

I´m so glad that such a helpful forum exists.

Many greetings.
Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:

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As a note:
This seems very old and probably won’t work well with the newest compiler version. If you want the best language support, it’s best to just use VS Code or VS Codium with the Nim extension.

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Hi @Akito, :wave:

thanks for pointig that out.

I see.
Well, all I could manage (in the short time I had left yesterday) was trying out the script you gave me in post #32.

Compilation went well and the countdown timer worked the way it was supposed to.

For me it was a matter of finding out if I could get nim to work on Bodhi (which is a 32bit system).
It was more or less something of an experiment. :blush:

But thanks for your additional info. I´ll keep that in mind.

Many greetings.
Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:

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