Does exist a gallery for Terminal custom colors settings?

Hello Friends

For a Terminal the two and most common settings to edit are the text color and background color.

Is there in the web some place where shows a gallery of many customs settings (about the colors) to take as reference the code colors?

Something similar as a place where is shown a gallery of Figures to download and apply as wallpaper.

Here is a link to a GitHub site. It has a utility to change terminal color themes and a large list of themes with examples.


Huge thanks, your solution is based on an app, it is better!

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There are “galleries” for ZSH and the oh-my-zsh github has a page of screenshots :

I actually use a “customised” version of gnzh(.zsh-theme) in ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/ (I mainly disable the red text when remote, being colour blind, I can’t read the red text on a black terminal window - piece of cake really - “cp ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/gnzh.zsh-theme ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/dmt-gnzh.zsh-theme”, then “sed -i 's/red/141/g' ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/dmt-gnzh.zsh-theme” then update ~/.zshrc with my preferred theme [it automatically looks in ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/ folder).

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Thanks for the link. Soon as I can I am going to learn and play with ZSH. I know it has a good reputation. Now, according with your link, as an observation all the themes have background with color black… interesting this situation.