Does installing a linux distro clean a disk?

Dear @4dandl4 Daniel - If not too much trouble could you paste in your computer specification, Trisquel software and version, and a terminal running systemd-analyze screen shot - thanks. Else we do not know what you are referring to.

Quite right, and I would add - fully installed on the same computer too. Thought I had done all that already…? Oh yes fully installed on same Dell E6420 here …

Think we have all been thrown off course by Roger not reading page one and installing full version on slow old 1GiB machine.
Page one says - “Trisquel Mini, a lightweight version for older machines and netbooks. Based on the LXDE desktop environment and a selection of resource-saving applications to bring new life to your hardware…” Not too difficult to understand, is it…?
Would be great if Roger would install this and give computer to a deprived family, school or charity. :ok_hand:

So Daniel, are we now in agreement…?

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