Dropping Google? What are your (and my) options?

Opera was originally a Norwegian company and later bought by Chinese investors. So, it’s not Google, for sure.

In the early days of modern web browsing, I used Opera a lot and was a great fan of it as it was for years the only browser with tabs and mouse gestures. Later, many of the clever concepts introduced by Opera were copied by other browser manufacturers.

Also, it was the default browser on Nokia phones (in the days before the iPhone, Nokia was the company for smart phones).

I dropped Opera when at some point they ceased to update their Linux versions. I don’t remember when exactly. Later, they came back to Linux but had lost me on the way. I still think, it’s an excellent product, but personally I prefer open source programs when it comes to handle so much of my personal data.



Would you still swear by PROTON
I have just read what
had to say about PROTON and I am not certain what to think.

I welcome your advice.

Sounds like some bullshit talk, just to get people riled up.

I know tons of people who don’t use the software of the company they work for. It’s kind of normal for developers. You don’t have to LOVE the product you develop, to make it work well.

That said, if you know the history of ProtonMail, then you will know, that initially it was a private e-mail service created by scientists and then they decided to make it public, because it worked so well and is still a great idea, well executed. (Obviously they used it themselves.)

These are some of the reasons why it does not matter, at all, if some developers do not use this e-mail. Some people do not like changing their e-mail address, if their old one works well enough, even though the new service might be better.

So this post seems to me like some rambling, which only purpose is to cause some rambling. Nothing else. It is absolutely insignificant.

I use protonmail now and find it a very good replacement.
Anybody with “watchdog” in the name is not to be trusted as I view it in the same league with automakers touting “Best In Class”. IMHO.


I have successfully dropped chrome and Google search by using Firefox and Startpage. I used duck for a while but I found the results (compared to Google) to be a bit disappointing. With Startpage I have a Google result search…but Google gets no information about me.
I consider Amazon to be a bigger threat than Google. It annoys me intensely that when I search for an item the first 50 results are from Amazon. I wish to buy my items in Germany, however Amazon does it’s best to ruin that. Blocking Amazon is extremely difficult. With 23 million IP addresses to chose from Amazon can switch continuously and I cannot fight that. There is a good Amazon blocker on Chrome but I have no idea how to import it into another browser.


Amazon, like any other mold, is tough to get completely rid of.
Thanks to your suggestion, I’ve switched to Startpage.
So far it looks pretty good.

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What is the Amazon blocker you’re referring to?
I’ve noted that many chrome addon’s/plugin’s work in FF.

Google is once again restricting freedom to maximize capitalization:

It’s always time to switch from huge quacks like Google to open source alternatives, if possible! :wink:


Randomly found this De-Google subreddit:

Thank you Akito for that link. I don’t know if you read further but I found it quite interesting to read about how Google reacts when it’s taken to court for breach of personal data. Now we know… it’s worth just over 2 US$ if you sue them.

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Not even $2. The 2 dollars come from the massive amount of affected people and their lawyers. Without that, you would get exactly $0…

I use brave-search as a replacement for Google search

I was looking for a Thunderbird equivalent on Android.
I tried the K-( Mail you suggested but I can’t figure out how to have it working all the time.

I use Samsung Email on Android.
It works for me, but it is not exactly like Thunderbird.

Hi, Sorry for long delay, but I’m in Holiday time ^_^"
If you love Thunderbird, probably you’ll get excited with this announce:

Not sure where you could get any issue working with K9, but here you have all the documentation available about working with K9, such as setting an account, etc.:

Finally, perhaps you find here a more expert than me (or at least faster answering people; really sorry for long delay):

Hope that helps…

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Pretty sure the newest Thunderbird is 115.

It is and it is finally eye candy.



Strange how just about all the alternative browsers have been put forward but the best of them all hasn’t even been mentioned. I’m talking about Ungoogled Chromium. No spyware whatsoever guaranteed. I can’t think of another browser other than maybe Librewolf that that can be said about. As for search engines there isn’t one in the western world that doesn’t have some kind arrangement with the selling of data in some form so I use Yandex. Of no commercial value whatsoever to the Russian data market particularly now that the west is isolating itself by sanctioning the rest of the world. Yandex also has some of the useful gadgets integrated into it that Chromium used to have before I decided to degooglify my life such as translate, maps etc etc.

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Maybe Waterfox.

Why not sandbox the browser?

Sandboxing the browser only protects the data that is not contained within your browser, anything that is stored in your browser files will still be accessible. So passwords, bank account details, anything really that is transmitted into and out of your browser could become a target.