In single boot Hard Disk where Linux is the sole OS,when installing latest version of Linux Mint & selecting Something Else to do manual partitioning,is it still necessary to create boot partitions? /boot partition in BIOS /MBR disk
/boot/efi partition in UEFI/GPT disk
When dualbooting(Windows & Linix) the OS’es share the same boot partition.that is in Uefi/Gpt mode>Efi System Partition /boot/efi
Bios/Mbr mode>System Reserved /boot
The bootloader partitionsize is 100MB whereas the requirement for Linux is 260 to 512MiB…so how to enlarge or is 100MB sufficient?
when installing Linux on a clean disk, you need a bios partition 500MB max, an EFI partition again 500 MB and the boot partition ( better, I would suggest the boot partition 30 GB and a /home parition for all your documents, as large as possible)
The bios-grub partition only needs to be about 1mb
The EFI partition should be the first - at least that is what UEFI spec says. I am not sure this is necessary. Yes 500Mb is ideal.
You call it boot partition, but you really mean root partition, ie the / mount point. Sometimes people make a separate partition for the /boot directory and I think this is normally what people mean by boot partition. It is confusing, to say the least
Having /home on a sepsrate partition is a good idea. It makes backups simpler.
So @ard has it correct. Just some terminology issues