Dynamic Wallpaper App For Linux?

But what about the dog

There are two kinds of users: those who use their computer (and OS) as a tool, and those who like to tinker with their computer.

My kids have always used Linux (actually, I don’t think they have ever did anything on a Windows machine other than look something up at the local library). They take pride in their skills (graphics skills, musical skills) but really don’t care about the technicalities of their computer.

They do enjoy a nice wallpaper though, and I have tweaked variety on their devices to change daily… one themed to animals and animal care, the other to musical instruments and music.

While they don’t really care about that wallpaper, it regularly lights up their heart when they get surprised by a nice image.


Perhaps we need to teach wallpapering skills, calculate how many rolls, pattern matching, cutting out for windows, electric points, and getting it vertical…

Oops wrong wallpaper

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I must be schizophrenic… I do both… but not at the same time.


There is probably an app for it. Apps are replacing teachers for just about everything.

It’s an 8-foot-long folding table.

I dual boot my older Dell tower and only use two of the monitors for it. Wasn’t sure, but just checked, and the video card only has two outputs.

My work laptop runs Windows 10 and works with all three. It has a USB-C connected port replicator. Two monitors are connected to Display Ports there and one is connected directly to the laptop via HDMI. If I connect the HDMI to the port replicator the resolution is terrible. I assume it’s because the onboard Intel display adapter is used for that versus the Nvidia for the built-in HDMI. Maybe it’s vice versa.

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Fair point… same actually goes for me … let me rephrase: there are to ways of using your computer: as a tool and as a toy/playground … they are OR, but not XOR.

P.S. Yes, we can go the semantics route, and you’ll probably find a dozen ways this analogy won’t work.


Agreed. Luckily, I really enjoy what I do for work and most days it seems like play. Maybe not on Mondays.


Guess your office is much bigger than mine, most of the time i spend with just a tablet for everyday work


Strangely no android apps for wallpapering a room, not even one to calculate how many rolls needed, perhaps if someone were to write one we could share to mass profit to be made

But you tube did not let me down

You dont even need a operating system


Straightaway Variety. I used it only once but it works!!