Erratic hotspot problems

Hi Rosika,
This is a good resource on WiFi

Here is what I have in Gentoo wherre I hand configured WiFi

/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf has

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wheel

	ssid="my sid"
	psk="my password"

/etc/conf.d/wpa_supplicant has

wpa_supplicant_args="-B  -Dwext -iwlp0s20u9 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf"

I had to use the wext driver

That is for wifi to connect to a modem.
A hotspot may require some variation.

I made the following comment when the above was posted

Now I have a minimal config that works… all the examples you read are full of unnecessary sophistication… need to get rid of all that and just get the essentials.
I have seen wpa_supplicant.conf files that are dozens of lines long. Mine is 6 lines. It is easier to do that and then add things later if you need fancy features.

I still thing starting minimal is the best approach.


It was not an Abhishek article, it came from here

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